from July to September 2007 by subject

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 10: Default stylesheet

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 11: New version of JIS 4051

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 1: Box model link

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 2: display: rp value

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 4: Vertical layout not enough for bopomofo

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 5: Expected behaviour for value right

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 6: Location of bopomofo ruby description

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 7: inline value description missing

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 8: left/start and right/end

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment 9: s/ruby-base/ruby/

[CSS3 Ruby] i18n comment : List module link

[Fwd: New Public Review Issue: #109 Proposed Draft UTR #42: An XML representation of the UCD]

[IANA #101622] Incorrect link to language tags

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 10: matching example for systemLanguage

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 2: Define what text wrapping option means

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 3: Define direction of start and end textAlign based on text direction

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 4: default colors (non-i18n)

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 5: allow for specific font names to be defined by textFontFamily

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 6: textMode append does not automatically append spaces

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 7: vertical text support

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 8: systemLanguage definition

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment 9: Define matching algorithm using RFC 4647, case handling in matching

[SMIL3.0] i18n comment : Define xml:lang in smilText element

[SMIL3.0] Use IRIs instead of URIs

[ssml11] Second WD of SSML 1.1 and updated Requirements doc are published

[WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment 3: H56 link to bidi primer

[WCAG2 TECHS] i18n comment: RFC 3066 links

[XForms 1.1] i18n comment: Availability of time zone information unclear (PR#12)

[XForms 1.1] i18n comment: IRIs for external schema locations possible? (PR#8)

[XForms 1.1] i18n comment: Mention of Internationalization (PR#9)

[XForms 1.1] i18n comment: Require UTC as default for time zone information (PR#11)

[XForms 1.1] i18n comment: Responsibility for useability of IRIs unclear (PR#13)

[XForms 1.1] i18n comment: Restriction of international mail addresses unclear (PR#10)

CSS21 @charset syntax

CSS3 Ruby comments coming...

Discussion on XML Schema "equality of strings" issue

examples of basic filtering vs. extended filtering

Feedback: /International/articles/css3-text/Overview.en.php

Feedback: qa-utf8-bom.en.php *1* [Comments]

First sketch of What is character encoding and why should I care


HTML5 review: sections to look at

I18n comments on EMMA LC draft

Incorrect link to language tags

Key Events internationalization

List-style-type: armenian in CSS 2.1 and CSS3

List-style-type: georgian in CSS 2.1 and CSS3

List-style-type: lower-greek in CSS 2.1 and CSS3

Migrating to Unicode comments

PHP internationalization...

Proposed addition to Display problems caused by the UTF-8 BOM

Proposed resolution of HRRI/IRI discussion

Review of CSS3 Ruby

SMIL 3.0 initial comments

SVG12: IRI Processing rules and xlink:href

Tests from the i18n group

Urdu IDNs

Urgent request for SSML review

Last message date: Thursday, 27 September 2007 17:58:17 UTC