from October to December 2019 by subject

[alreq] [css-text-3] Define break at space to remove a space explicitly (#202)

[alreq] Arabic writing styles (#206)

[alreq] Are vertically-misaligned characters joined? (#203)

[alreq] new commits pushed by r12a

[alreq] new commits pushed by shervinafshar

[alreq] Terminology (#205)

[alreq] Transliteration (#204)

[alreq] What tools can be used for writing HTML source code with bidi text? (#194)

[alreq] Which font to use for examples? (#207)

[alreq] Which transliteration schemes should we use? (#16)

[bp-i18n-specdev] new commits pushed by r12a

[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Fix GitHub metadata in respecConfig

[bp-i18n-specdev] Pull Request: Make the ruby section less HTML specific

[clreq] 3.1.3 非典型的標點符號及其配置 新增內容 (#206)

[clreq] audio elements in vertical writing mode (#232)

[clreq] cjk-tally-mark and cjk-stem-branch counter styles (#228)

[clreq] Classification for 'cjk-earthly-branch' and 'cjk-heavenly-stem (#229)

[clreq] Language switching doesn't work for tables (#235)

[clreq] new commits pushed by r12a

[clreq] new commits pushed by xfq

[clreq] Pull Request: [gap-analysis] Fill in the vertical text section

[clreq] Pull Request: Addresses #206

[elreq] Does Ethiopic text also get wrapped by word? (#116)

[i18n-activity] [css-counter-styles] Classification for 'cjk-earthly-branch' and 'cjk-heavenly-stem' #2096 (#547)

[i18n-activity] [css-fonts] Don't require browsers to always match every generic font family to a concrete font family (#804)

[i18n-activity] [css-fonts] limit local fonts to those selected by users in browser settings (or other browser chrome) (#809)

[i18n-activity] [css-fonts] Should we start a registry for additional generic fonts? (#827)

[i18n-activity] [css-ruby] Adjacent overhanging ruby text should not run together in scripts with spaces between words (e.g. Latin) (#822)

[i18n-activity] [css-text-3] Allow breaking anywhere when dictionary is missing for SEA scripts (#761)

[i18n-activity] [css-text-3] Bidi and pre-wrap end of line spaces (#789)

[i18n-activity] [css-text-3] Define break at space to remove a space explicitly (#763)

[i18n-activity] [css-text-4] Way to only hyphenate when word is broken in “emergency situations”? (#831)

[i18n-activity] [css-text-decor] Consider adding an `all` value to `text-decoration-skip-ink` (#771)

[i18n-activity] [css-text] Clarify whether soft breaks exist at boundaries of an inline element with `word-break:break-all` (#713)

[i18n-activity] [css-text] Line breaking for ambiguous characters; e.g., U+2010, U+2013 (#787)

[i18n-activity] [css-text] Writing System prose is currently unimplementable on ICU (#805)

[i18n-activity] [css‑fonts‑4] Add `emoji` as a keyword to `unicode‑range` (#829)

[i18n-activity] [HTML] case-sensitive needs more text (#807)

[i18n-activity] A number of vocabulary items need language/direction/etc. metadata (#193)

[i18n-activity] Add informative note to tts:fontStyle recommending use of tts:shear instead of tts:fontStyle="italic" for Japanese text. (#775)

[i18n-activity] Are vertically-misaligned characters joined? (#821)

[i18n-activity] autocomplete attribute for credit-card expiration details (#783)

[i18n-activity] autocomplete attribute for street-address details (#779)

[i18n-activity] Check against i18n Review Checklist (#697)

[i18n-activity] classes are compared without Unicode normalization (#803)

[i18n-activity] cursive shaping breaks and typographic characters (#249)

[i18n-activity] Devices and Sensors Reviews (4 docs) > 2019-11-14 (#780)

[i18n-activity] DOM > 2019-10-31 (#727)

[i18n-activity] Fix #593 - Refer to RFC 8266 for RP-controlled UI strings #878 (#567)

[i18n-activity] Flow-relative rootMargin (#806)

[i18n-activity] HTML (WHATWG periodic) > 2019-11-30 (#781)

[i18n-activity] doesn't seem to work (#723)

[i18n-activity] i18n checklist for Handling base direction for strings (#695)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-352: normalization of custom property names (#40)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-388: Add explicit text about direction's relationship to 'start' and 'end' keywords (#45)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-389: English should be given as an example (editorial) (#44)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-392: Decimal Format incomplete? (#49)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-393: zero-digit replacement? (#50)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-394: decimal-format reference CLDR? (#51)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-396: character maps needs a string? (#53)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-398: Defining Decimal Formats Permits Only Single Characters (#54)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-399: Provide Guidance on Collation Tailorings (#55)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-400: collation lang processing should refer to BCP47 (#56)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-403: Reference to language tag should be to BCP47 (#59)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-404: Lang matching undefined (#60)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-405: clarify embedded image vs. character (editorial) (#62)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-409: What are the string matching rules in the delete operation (#64)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-410: Language tags should reference BCP 47 (#65)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-411: Definition of whitespace should come from Unicode (#66)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-417: appropriate use of ACI (#72)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-435: 3.2 scroll value and vertical writing (#12)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-457: 2.1.1 Comment on title or on publication? (#75)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-458: 2.1.3 general observation about language identification (#76)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-459: 2.1.7 privacy issues (#77)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-481: Inconsistent data type for temperatures (#84)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-482: Inconsistent data type for levels (#85)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-483: Temperature data type for Temperature Interface uses different data types (#86)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-484: Use BCP47 instead of ISO 639-1 for identifying languages (#87)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-485: Inconsistent use of data type for tilts and pans (#88)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-486: Should units of speed vary in the specification (#89)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-487: Consider adding a language tag to indicate the language of an error message (#90)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-492: Honor the HTTP Accept-Language header for selecting the consent language (#100)

[i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-519: Table of contents does not display properly in Safari browser (#29)

[i18n-activity] Incorporate mitigations for font based fingerprinting (#797)

[i18n-activity] index sorting (#368)

[i18n-activity] Intersection Observer > 2020-01-31 (#793)

[i18n-activity] label property should allow internationalized text #437 (#533)

[i18n-activity] Language in ssml can be declared with just xml:lang (#801)

[i18n-activity] Letter/Word spacing for CJK languages - SC 1.4.12 Text Spacing (#522)

[i18n-activity] new commits pushed by r12a

[i18n-activity] Pub Manifest self review (#739)

[i18n-activity] Pull Request: added minutes 2019/Sep TPAC

[i18n-activity] Pull Request: updated link from http: to https: for,

[i18n-activity] Review of i18n self-review (Language related issues) (#757)

[i18n-activity] Richer negotiation re: address redaction? (#651)

[i18n-activity] Ruby is not an appropriate mechanism for managing speech data (#799)

[i18n-activity] Screen Capture (WebRTC) > 2020-01-13 (#824)

[i18n-activity] Should drop initial styling highlight aytam alone? (#828)

[i18n-activity] support scrolling for vertically rendered text (#237)

[i18n-activity] textarea[maxlength] interoperability issue (#772)

[i18n-activity] Thing Description Serialization and BOM (#682)

[i18n-activity] truncation to 64-byte upper limit doesn't mention character boundaries (#589)

[i18n-activity] TTML2 2nd > 2020-01-15 (#823)

[i18n-activity] TTML2 > 2017-09-30 (#428)

[i18n-activity] Use HTML rather than PDF (#517)

[i18n-activity] Use of the em element (#795)

[i18n-activity] WAI pronunciation docs > 2019-11-14 (#782)

[i18n-activity] What tools can be used for writing HTML source code with bidi text? #194 (#601)

[i18n-activity] When vertical text mode, are SC 1.4.8/1.4.12 applicable as they are? (#523)

[i18n-activity] Where is the implementation proposal to augment native HTML vocabulary? (#800)

[i18n-activity] WoT Architecture > 2019-04-30 (#676)

[i18n-discuss] Languages / writing systems with 2 line breaking conventions in common use? (#11)

[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-htaccess-charset] BRIEF_TITLE_GOES_HERE (#234)

[i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-lang-priorities] Why I've got russian language on this page? (#231)

[i18n-drafts] dir=<rtl/auto> for placeholder in input field (#232)

[i18n-drafts] HTML Translate Attribute with Expression Engine 3.5.10 (#230)

[i18n-drafts] new commits pushed by r12a

[i18n-drafts] Pull Request: switched w3c_home from http to https (mixed contents)

[iip] 3.4 Counters, lists, etc (#24)

[iip] Are alphabetic counter styles common in Tamil content? (#57)

[iip] Is full inter-character spacing common for narrow columns in Tamil? (#58)

[iip] new commits pushed by r12a

[iip] Should drop initial styling highlight aytam alone? (#59)

[iip] Tamil: 3.2 Hyphenation (#23)

[iip] Tamil: 3.5 Initial letter styling (#25)

[iip] Versals in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, etc. (#56)

[jlreq] [gap-analysis/tests] List existing tests made by JAGAT/XML-publishing (#70)

[jlreq] [gap-analysis] Table cells in vertical writing mode (#155)

[jlreq] [simple-ruby] Fix a link to the figure (#137)

[jlreq] Add table borders to ones in Appendix A (#101)

[jlreq] Add the Reiwa square ligature to the ideographic characters class? (#133)

[jlreq] added ja translation for auto inserted SOTD parts (#145)

[jlreq] added space to h1 for making string-match with title (#142)

[jlreq] added table border css to charclass class (#132)

[jlreq] checked 'retranslateme' / 'checkme' parts (#125)

[jlreq] Create translation for respec front matter boilerplate (#136)

[jlreq] Fix "Mincho typeface" description in terminology (#138)

[jlreq] fix #127 (#129)

[jlreq] fix #84 (#128)

[jlreq] Fix figure 190 both English/Japanese (#119)

[jlreq] fixed 3.7.4 note 2 as suggested (#116)

[jlreq] How to add ID to an element? (#154)

[jlreq] Links to illustrations in the Japanese version (#150)

[jlreq] List non-editorial fixes for JLReq 2nd ed errata release (#149)

[jlreq] modified textfor 4.1.2 (#118)

[jlreq] name of levels on headings (#120)

[jlreq] Need to create labels for sub projects such as gap-analysis and simple-ruby (#135)

[jlreq] new commits pushed by frivoal

[jlreq] new commits pushed by himorin

[jlreq] new commits pushed by macnmm

[jlreq] new commits pushed by r12a

[jlreq] new commits pushed by xfq

[jlreq] Possible error in the differences between vertical writing mode and horizontal writing mode (#152)

[jlreq] Pre-release tasks for JLReq errata update (#141)

[jlreq] Pull Request: [gap-analysis] Update references to HTML

[jlreq] Pull Request: [simple-ruby] Fix a link to the figure

[jlreq] Pull Request: [simple-ruby] Fix a link to the illustration in the Japanese version

[jlreq] Pull Request: [WIP] 201912 pre release check

[jlreq] Pull Request: added '2nd Ed' for ones added by 4487a8b

[jlreq] Pull Request: added ja translation for auto inserted SOTD parts

[jlreq] Pull Request: added space to h1 for making string-match with title

[jlreq] Pull Request: added table border css to charclass class

[jlreq] Pull Request: Editorial fixes

[jlreq] Pull Request: Fix the definition of Mincho typeface in the Glossary

[jlreq] Pull Request: Fix typo

[jlreq] Pull Request: modified div to p for terminology table

[jlreq] Pull Request: possible fixes to 980616d

[jlreq] Pull Request: replaced text for en/ja

[jlreq] Pull Request: Typo fix

[jlreq] Pull Request: Update the Japanese name of JISC

[jlreq] Pull Request: updated 'revision log' with three items.

[jlreq] remove unrequired U+200B-s (#78)

[jlreq] The page needs to open in English by default (#126)

[jlreq] Update source files for images of jlreq (#140)

[jlreq] updated 'revision log' with three items. (#157)

[predefined-counter-styles] Change cjk-earthly-branch and cjk-heavenly-stem from to fixed (#25)

[predefined-counter-styles] new commits pushed by r12a

[predefined-counter-styles] Pull Request: Change cjk-earthly-branch and cjk-heavenly-stem from to fixed

[tlreq] new commits pushed by r12a

[typography] new commits pushed by r12a

Closed: [alreq] [css-text-3] Define break at space to remove a space explicitly (#202)

Closed: [alreq] What tools can be used for writing HTML source code with bidi text? (#194)

Closed: [clreq] Classification for 'cjk-earthly-branch' and 'cjk-heavenly-stem (#229)

Closed: [i18n-activity] A number of vocabulary items need language/direction/etc. metadata (#193)

Closed: [i18n-activity] AMOA rather than UAOA ? (#490)

Closed: [i18n-activity] base direction considerations (#685)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Check against i18n Review Checklist (#697)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Check compatibility of UAOA with NFC (#495)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Data Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT) version 2 > 2019-06-18 (#704)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Devices and Sensors Reviews (4 docs) > 2019-11-14 (#780)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Display name content rules? (#208)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Examples should include non-ASCII [editorial] (#207)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Fix #593 - Refer to RFC 8266 for RP-controlled UI strings #878 (#567)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Flow-relative rootMargin (#806)

Closed: [i18n-activity] doesn't seem to work (#723)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n checklist for Handling base direction for strings (#695)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-388: Add explicit text about direction's relationship to 'start' and 'end' keywords (#45)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-389: English should be given as an example (editorial) (#44)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-392: Decimal Format incomplete? (#49)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-393: zero-digit replacement? (#50)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-394: decimal-format reference CLDR? (#51)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-396: character maps needs a string? (#53)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-398: Defining Decimal Formats Permits Only Single Characters (#54)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-399: Provide Guidance on Collation Tailorings (#55)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-400: collation lang processing should refer to BCP47 (#56)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-403: Reference to language tag should be to BCP47 (#59)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-404: Lang matching undefined (#60)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-405: clarify embedded image vs. character (editorial) (#62)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-409: What are the string matching rules in the delete operation (#64)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-410: Language tags should reference BCP 47 (#65)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-411: Definition of whitespace should come from Unicode (#66)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-417: appropriate use of ACI (#72)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-435: 3.2 scroll value and vertical writing (#12)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-457: 2.1.1 Comment on title or on publication? (#75)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-458: 2.1.3 general observation about language identification (#76)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-459: 2.1.7 privacy issues (#77)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-481: Inconsistent data type for temperatures (#84)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-482: Inconsistent data type for levels (#85)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-483: Temperature data type for Temperature Interface uses different data types (#86)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-484: Use BCP47 instead of ISO 639-1 for identifying languages (#87)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-485: Inconsistent use of data type for tilts and pans (#88)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-486: Should units of speed vary in the specification (#89)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-487: Consider adding a language tag to indicate the language of an error message (#90)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-492: Honor the HTTP Accept-Language header for selecting the consent language (#100)

Closed: [i18n-activity] i18n-ISSUE-519: Table of contents does not display properly in Safari browser (#29)

Closed: [i18n-activity] index sorting (#368)

Closed: [i18n-activity] label property should allow internationalized text #437 (#533)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Pub Manifest self review (#739)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Review of i18n self-review (Language related issues) (#757)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Scope of UTR #53 vs the algorithm UAOA (#499)

Closed: [i18n-activity] support scrolling for vertically rendered text (#237)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Thing Description Serialization and BOM (#682)

Closed: [i18n-activity] truncation to 64-byte upper limit doesn't mention character boundaries (#589)

Closed: [i18n-activity] TTML2 > 2017-09-30 (#428)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Use HTML rather than PDF (#517)

Closed: [i18n-activity] Use of Arabic Reordering in text editing (#497)

Closed: [i18n-activity] What tools can be used for writing HTML source code with bidi text? #194 (#601)

Closed: [i18n-activity] When should UAOA be used? (#492)

Closed: [i18n-drafts] [questions/qa-lang-priorities] Why I've got russian language on this page? (#231)

Closed: [jlreq] 'level', 'label', and 'lavel' in Section 4.1.2 and Figure 190 (#106)

Closed: [jlreq] [translation] For indicating places in numbers, use "place" instead of "rank" (#127)

Closed: [jlreq] Add table borders to ones in Appendix A (#101)

Closed: [jlreq] Fix "Mincho typeface" description in terminology (#138)

Closed: [jlreq] Fix figure 190 both English/Japanese (#119)

Closed: [jlreq] Need to create labels for sub projects such as gap-analysis and simple-ruby (#135)

Closed: [jlreq] Note below Fig 136: English version is hard to understand (#84)

Closed: [jlreq] remove unrequired U+200B-s (#78)

Last message date: Saturday, 28 December 2019 16:15:57 UTC