from October 2012 by subject

[Bug 10053] how about minlength? i'd like to see certain fields to have a minimum amoung of characters for validation

[Bug 10824] i18n comment 20 : list item marker display and position

[Bug 11004] Add an example of suggestion labels being used and rendered for input type="range"

[Bug 11486] Remove rel=archives in favor of rel=index. They are extremely similar and not that useful to have separately.

[Bug 12228] All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.

[Bug 12262] select(), selectionStart, selectionEnd and setSelectionRange() should apply to <input type='email'>

[Bug 12399] <video> add bytesReceived, downloadTime, and networkWaitTime metrics

[Bug 12409] WF3: Automatic capitalization in input fields

[Bug 12539] The numeric references to produce the gyphs in the third column should use the characters listed in the second columns. lang (and aliases) list (correctly) U+27ea, but the glyph is produced by #9001 (U+2329) which is not in normal form C and generates va

[Bug 12885] WF3: Provide a way for the author to specify what kind of keyboard behaviour to use for text inputs on multimodal keyboards (e.g. show the numeric keyboard, capitalise the first character by default, etc)

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13226] Rename "Interfaces" index section to more precise "Element interfaces"

[Bug 13357] <video>: Additional AudioTrack.kind categories are needed to identify tracks where audio descriptions are premixed with main dialogue.

[Bug 13395] i18n-ISSUE-76: Clarify 'preferred name' for encodings

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13512] Need a DOM event for AT to catch when content is inserted

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13574] Accessibility API support for dropzone

[Bug 13608] Add <menuitem> element

[Bug 13614] Define <th abbr=""> as a way to provide a name for a row/column that is used when describing cells for which that cell is a header

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13642] Incorrect alt definition

[Bug 13657] exact number not imporant in range doesn't make sense.

[Bug 13769] WF3: Add trim="" attribute to <input type=text/search> that strips leading and trailing whitespace from the value

[Bug 13855] Listing <SVG> as an element

[Bug 13904] "web+" URI scheme prefix

[Bug 13918] spec splitting script/mechanism doesn't remove parts of the spec that are no longer generated

[Bug 14032] Attribute values cannot contain ambiguous ampersands

[Bug 14260] <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState

[Bug 14353] Can an example for scripts of interactive works, like video games, be added? In those, dialogue is often triggered by pressing a button near them, and it's divided into chunks. Like person A may say X the first time, but if you query the person again (s)

[Bug 14358] <track> and WebVTT cue.alignment need more values

[Bug 14363] Update the registration mechanisms

[Bug 14430] Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14540] what about if the <body> IS an article?

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14993] The list of named character references at (8.5 Named character references) should also be available in an easy-to-parse format (e.g. plain text or json). This will allow developers to use it with

[Bug 15193] draggable and dropzone regions require labels

[Bug 15213] Drag-and-drop processing model

[Bug 15228] Be more explicit about headers in redirects.

[Bug 15359] Make BOM trump HTTP

[Bug 15366] Expose history traversal direction

[Bug 15703] ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group

[Bug 15965] add onreadystatechange attribute to index

[Bug 16051] Triggering contextual error message for inputs

[Bug 16160] dir=auto does not work for user-visible attribute values

[Bug 16166] i18n-ISSUE-138: Make lang and xml:lang synonyms in HTML5

[Bug 16343] How about adding an attribute for type=file inputs that would specify the maximum allowed file size ?

[Bug 16394] Form-associated elements with non-ancestor form owners should be reset when owner is removed from the tree

[Bug 16400] 'radio button group' rule issue

[Bug 16401] potential typo in browsing context note

[Bug 16472] Consider DOMString? for HTMLInputElement:value IDL attribute

[Bug 16544] Clarify frame handling for frame based encryption

[Bug 16553] Consider not firing a needkey event when a potentially encrypted stream is encountered if the key is already known

[Bug 16574] editorial - add note that UA need not send Origin header

[Bug 16575] cors settings attribute - unclear meaning of 'omitted'

[Bug 16709] Update HTML for Fullscreen

[Bug 16739] Should the format of Session ID be more strictly defined?

[Bug 16750] Define rendering for the <frameset> element as a normal element.

[Bug 16790] The term microtask should be defined

[Bug 16816] menuitem click and menu show events do not indicate what element triggered these events

[Bug 16817] What's the difference between input/@title's and input/@placeholder's semantic? Both of them act as the user's advisor and tell you what you can do with the element. "For a longer hint [...], the title attribute is more appropriate." is the only thing I c

[Bug 16841] Expected use of Origin HTTP header

[Bug 16869] HTML5 is missing mechanism for preventing clashes of vendor-neutral extensions

[Bug 16878] Well, I'm on it again. The description on events is a shambles. I'm trying to write a course on HTML 5 and the information is contradictory or missing. First, as before, the section "Global attributes" lists what it purports to be the event handler conten

[Bug 16916] long list typos and nits

[Bug 16937] Several missing references

[Bug 16945] Incorrect State Change in Tokenization: Script data escaped less-than sign state

[Bug 16946] Self-Closing Input should be acknowledged for <input> in Tree Construction "In Table" Insertion Mode

[Bug 16962] i18n-ISSUE-92: time zone vs. time zone offset

[Bug 16970] i18n-ISSUE-105: compatibility caseless matching

[Bug 16973] i18n-ISSUE-108: encoding -> character encoding

[Bug 16980] i18n-ISSUE-120: Non-ASCII Unicode characters in data-*

[Bug 16983] i18n-ISSUE-124: Wording on avoidance of Unicode control characters

[Bug 16985] i18n-ISSUE-126: Health warning about lang attribute in 4.1

[Bug 17000] Define a capability detection mechanism

[Bug 17002] Specify a mechanism to determine which SourceBuffer an AudioTrack,VideoTrack, or TextTrack belong to.

[Bug 17006] <track> Setting track language & kind when the information is in a manifest

[Bug 17094] Define segment formats for MPEG2-TS

[Bug 17176] Element attributes should not be required to be stored in an ordered list, .innerHTML remains unspecified

[Bug 17199] Provide examples for and get feedback on Key Release

[Bug 17456] Regarding Section "The translate attribute": If I am writing prose of fiction, and I write a name I don't want the translation mechanism to translate, then I understand I would set the attribute to "no" on that particular word. But. When I write (for exam

[Bug 17470] Provide specific guidance on when generateKeyRequest should be called

[Bug 17660] need token relative with user identity for a new generateKeyRequest parameter

[Bug 17670] unicode-bidi value combination of "bidi-override" and "isolate" has been renamed to "isolate-override"

[Bug 17673] Define Initialization Data for implementations that choose to support the ISO Base Media File Format

[Bug 17682] Clear Key: Document how keys and key IDs are associated

[Bug 17684] Wiki documentation of Pragma directive requirements are unworkable as currently written

[Bug 17750] Define the behavior MediaKeySession close() and clearing the keys attribute

[Bug 18007] Definition of the output element requires amending

[Bug 18032] "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesnt cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words

[Bug 18039] Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 18042] onerror: Step 2 should set col to 0 also.

[Bug 18043] due to confusion over other usages of 'tag', a usage example would be extremely helpful in understanding this more fully

[Bug 18055] Had to add this ondragover="return false" after ondrop="dropHandler(event)" to make it work!

[Bug 18068] This section doesn't mention abuse-prevention measures

[Bug 18082] Only recommending this be limited to quirks mode is not strict enough. This behaviour breaks page JS code in a way that makes it virtually impossible to find out why if(!objectname) is not resolving the way it should. This feature should be changed to "ma

[Bug 18085] "all content using the http+aes scheme on the same host (and same port) shares the same origin and can therefore leak the keys" - unless there's a use case for supporting this, it seems more robust to make http(s)+aes never be same-origin

[Bug 18088] wouldn't it be beneficial to fire popstate (or another event) when the user browses to a new url, not just to session history entries?

[Bug 18091] embed and object should match a, del, ins, and map

[Bug 18094] Please review the following "2. Inner loop: If inner loop counter is greater than or equal to three, then abort these steps." It is not exactly clear WHICH steps should be aborted (inner loop steps or outer loop steps). Please clarify. Thank you.

[Bug 18098] Can mention be made of the properties of the ProgressEvent interface? At the moment these are mentioned only in the implementaqtion information at

[Bug 18099] In the "when entering a heading content element" section, there's wording like "rank equal to or greater", but ranks are instead referred to as "higher" or "lower". It's not clear whether "greater" means "higher" or "bigger number" (lower). This section s

[Bug 18100] AFAICT the body element isn't focusable per spec, so blur() does nothing

[Bug 18106] Regarding item 1: "...calls the Function with as its arguments..." - something is definitely missing between the words "with" and "as"

[Bug 18110] What is startDate when the timeline offset is NaN?

[Bug 18120] Bad value page-topic for attribute name on XHTML element meta: Keyword page-topic is not registered.

[Bug 18128] The text that describes when the iframe element should be sent an onload event should probably be in "The End" section instead to make the order of everything perfectly clear.

[Bug 18130] thats very interesting. i would like to know if that cross implied notice ever subsides?

[Bug 18134] it shoukd be specified whether id attribute value is case sensitive

[Bug 18141] XHTML syntax description is lacking or misphrased

[Bug 18143] What is "text"? Can an author use a U+0000 character in text?

[Bug 18144] <video> Add seek() function for non-exact (fast) seeking

[Bug 18149] According to the text an embed is only active if the scr attribute is missing or the empty string. That doesn't seem right at all.

[Bug 18151] make autofocus="" work when showModal() is called

[Bug 18154] Add 3rd parameter (options) to control the window position and size. (See

[Bug 18162] IDN email addresses should be converted to Punycode before validating them

[Bug 18164] The srcset attribute is poorly conceived and much inferior to the proposed <picture>-element.

[Bug 18167] It would be nice to have a very brief and clear explanation of the distinction and relationship between <section>, <article> and <hgroup>. As if now it is rather confusing.

[Bug 18168] " There must not be two image candidate strings in a srcset attribute whose width descriptor value, height descriptor value, and pixel density descriptor value" probably means to say "are the same"

[Bug 18171] '"2x" means "maximum pixel density of 2 device pixels per CSS pixel"' the algorithm actually treats this as a minimum so this note should be reworded.

[Bug 18173] "Queue a task to set the current document readiness to "complete"[...]" - this sentence is hard to understand. It is difficult to determine that the load event should be fired as part of the task that has set the current document readiness. I suggest maki

[Bug 18174] In "process the image candidates", should step 10 (advance past comma) end with "jump to the step labeled splitting loop"?

[Bug 18176] Consider making the argument optional for start() and end(). Many tutorials omit the argument, and think it means start of first range for start() and end of last range for end(). Maybe we should just make the API do what people expect.

[Bug 18184] <track> Should run "rules for updating the text track rendering" when cue properties or styles have changed

[Bug 18201] The rules for setting a src attribute on frame are incorrect; they should match those for iframe (except the bits about srcdoc ofc). In particular, the empty string causes about:blank to load, not the current document.

[Bug 18206] This appears to be untrue; both CSS background images and fonts will typically delay the load event (and so are critical subresources) in normal circumstances but may not in other circumanstances (only referenced by a selector that doesn't match the docum

[Bug 18209] In the description of the sequence of steps that a user-agent must execute every 350 ms: In side condition 'Otherwise' of item 3.1, there are 4 conditions listed - the first 3 starting with the word 'If' and the last one with 'Otherwise'. In all of the fi

[Bug 18224] (editorial) returns a CSSStyleDeclaration when the attribute is absent too. (It's just a bit unclear from this sentence, while the IDL is pretty clear.)

[Bug 18228] Step 10 of this algorithm only considers ";" whereas Gecko/WebKit and soon Opera also accept ",".

[Bug 18232] `entities.json` uses invalid syntax and has incorrect content

[Bug 18240] Add "media elements that are exposing a user interface to the user" to the list

[Bug 18241] Allow ("may") UAs to make any element focusable if they so wish

[Bug 18245] Conveying state of an Active tab in tabbed panels to Assistive Technologies like screen readers

[Bug 18248] <video> should allow UAs to "expose a user interface to the user" if the user asks for it (e.g. from the context menu, which several browsers support)

[Bug 18251] blockquote, figure: Margins should not be put in pixels because they don't scale well.

[Bug 18254] table needs box-sizing:border-box (all rendering modes)

[Bug 18259] "The close() method on Window objects should... close the browsing context". What does it mean to "close a browsing context"? Are any event handlers triggered e.g. beforeunload?

[Bug 18261] This needs to have a locale attribute so that teh "valid floating point number" can be parsed properly for the locale. (eg. "en-US" would have 12345.67 and "de-DE" would have 12345,67)

[Bug 18262] This syntax for valid time strings does not work for other locales. In Italy, they use a "." for the separator instead of a colon. The tags using a time string need to allow for a locale attribute so that the syntax can be determined, OR this syntax needs

[Bug 18264] If this input type is meant to represent the ISO week number of the Gregorian calendar, then this description should say so in order to be explicit and unambiguous about it. If not, then some of the description should change. For example, "... on the morn

[Bug 18272] more explanation needed for setting the cache mode setting. What exactly does prefer-online and fast cache modes do?

[Bug 18281] colSpan should not be "limited to only non-negative numbers greater than zero" (browsers don't throw when assigning 0)

[Bug 18287] There should be a way to group related dt/dd elements. For example, allowing div tags to be nested in a dl would help tremendously with styling the dt/dd child elements.

[Bug 18299] Please explain how hidden=true interacts with plugin loading. Should it be treated as display:none?

[Bug 18303] typo: "associatd" instead of "associated"

[Bug 18364] update "[ABOUT]" reference

[Bug 18367] Spec causes continuous loop

[Bug 18384] Add an adaptive image mechanism

[Bug 18384] Consider adding an adaptive image element

[Bug 18395] Encoding Sniffing Algorithm: Overrides apply to nested browsing contexts

[Bug 18400] Define and document timestamp heuristics

[Bug 18431] Dear Sirs, I would like to know if iTunes supports the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) symbols. Thank you.

[Bug 18531] Consider renaming addKey method

[Bug 18574] @hidden should have a weak mapping to aria-hidden=true

[Bug 18575] Section 2. Source Buffer Model should be non-normative

[Bug 18578] Checking if sourceBuffers is empty in removeSourceBuffer is redundant

[Bug 18587] Define clearly what data is removed when setting an explicit duration

[Bug 18589] Unclear behavior when failing to attach to a media element

[Bug 18590] Firing an event is sometimes missing a target and "queue a task"

[Bug 18592] How much is "enough data to ensure uninterrupted playback"

[Bug 18601] Contradictory requirements for initialization segments

[Bug 18615] Define how SourceBuffer.buffered maps to HTMLMediaElement.buffered

[Bug 18633] add/removesourcebuffer event is linked to add/removeSourceBuffer(sourceBuffer) method

[Bug 18634] Removing SourceBuffers in "Detaching from a media element"

[Bug 18635] HTMLMediaElement seeking algorithm integration

[Bug 18642] Handle timestamp overflow in append(data)

[Bug 18646] I18N-ISSUE-92: Provide support for IANA time zone IDs

[Bug 18666] Define what HTMLMediaElement.seekable returns

[Bug 18680] Also use defined character sets for A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 (like with whitespace characters)

[Bug 18708] Allow SourceBuffer.append() in "ended" readyState.

[Bug 18709] Add SourceBuffer.remove() method

[Bug 18773] Update diagram in Section 1 to match O-O design changes

[Bug 18790] Describing cell for an header cell in a data table

[Bug 18791] Reducing data table size based on the row grouping, column grouping combined with the table header cell structure

[Bug 18882] Remove RFC4770 from list of references

[Bug 18915] Encouraged cite attribute behavior is unlikely to be implemented and so should be dropped

[Bug 18920] addSourceBuffer parameter type should be optional

[Bug 18921] append(data) should accept any part of media segment

[Bug 18922] Add a parser free, codec agnostic example

[Bug 18928] MediaKeySession IDL should list EventHandler attributes for onkeyadded, onkeymessage, and onkeyerror

[Bug 18929] MediaStream as source for media elements

[Bug 18933] Segment byte boundaries are not defined

[Bug 18960] Define how & are generated

[Bug 18962] Allow appending with XHR

[Bug 18963] Provide a mechanism for rate limiting appending

[Bug 18971] TextTrack should have an id attribute

[Bug 18972] The referrer isn't always a Document

[Bug 18975] registerContentHanlder and registerProtocolHandler open huge security and privacy holes

[Bug 19078] syntax error in handleKeyNeeded examples

[Bug 19106] Clarify difference between readonly and disabled form elements

[Bug 19107] MediaController IDL oversight

[Bug 19109] should make media elements start playing

[Bug 19111] Avoid firing unload event in a browsing context more than once

[Bug 19112] Tidy up page showing/hiding logic

[Bug 19113] History API: Clearly define popstate event behaviour on page load

[Bug 19118] Setting document.location.hash to a not-yet-loaded element

[Bug 19119] Attempt to make <iframe> loading more closely match reality.

[Bug 19128] MathML 3.0 current TR somewhat mixed up

[Bug 19145] <aside> should have default implicit ARIA semantic of "complementary"

[Bug 19156] New: Switching decoders when the key system is specified

[Bug 19156] Switching decoders when the key system is specified

[Bug 19159] allow use of hidden for tab panels

[Bug 19159] New: allow use of hidden for tab panels

[Bug 19205] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>hogehoge</title> </head> <body> <section> <h1>hgoehoge</h1> <p>hgoehogeho</p> </section> </body> </html>

[Bug 19205] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>hogehoge</title> </head> <body> <section> <h1>hgoehoge</h1> <p>hgoehogeho</p> </section> </body> </html>

[Bug 19207] New: i18n-ISSUE-194: Multiple sequential rt elements

[Bug 19208] New: Keymessage event not needed when Key System already has Key

[Bug 19214] i18n-ISSUE-195: No further ruby element descendants

[Bug 19214] New: i18n-ISSUE-195: No further ruby element descendants

[Bug 19251] i18n-ISSUE-196: Mono-ruby vs group ruby examples

[Bug 19251] New: i18n-ISSUE-196: Mono-ruby vs group ruby examples

[Bug 19252] New: i18n-ISSUE-197: Number of multiple rt elements

[Bug 19253] New: i18n-ISSUE-198: rt and rp elements

[Bug 19254] New: i18n-ISSUE-199: Examples of ruby rendered

[Bug 19255] New: i18n-ISSUE-200: Position of ruby

[Bug 19275] New: There is a typo in section 9.1

[Bug 19275] There is a typo in section 9.1

[Bug 19277] New: @hidden should override any CSS display properties

[Bug 19277] Relationship and precedence of hidden="" and display:none should be clarified/defined

[Bug 19279] New: What happens to focus when element with focus has @hidden set

[Bug 19279] What happens to focus when element with focus has @hidden set

[Bug 19294] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19294] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19298] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19298] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19299] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 19299] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 19300] New: Remove transition from "ended" to "open" on seek

[Bug 19300] Remove transition from "ended" to "open" on seek

[Bug 19304] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19306] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ... <script> var doc1 = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null); w(doc1.documentElement) </script>

[Bug 19316] New: setRangeText() issues: Step 6, s/selection start/start/ s/selection end/end/. Step 8, "select" selectMode, s/selection end be end/selection end be start + the length of the value of the first argument/, similar issue in selectMode "end".

[Bug 19316] setRangeText() issues: Step 6, s/selection start/start/ s/selection end/end/. Step 8, "select" selectMode, s/selection end be end/selection end be start + the length of the value of the first argument/, similar issue in selectMode "end".

[Bug 19317] Make rel=noreferrer not clone sessionStorage

[Bug 19317] New: Make rel=noreferrer not clone sessionStorage

[Bug 19318] "(e.g. in the US, the key labeled "1" is historically also labeled with the letters A, B, and C)." Um, no? 1 is unlabeled. 2 is ABC, 3 is DEF, etc., up to 9 being WXY(Z).

[Bug 19318] New: "(e.g. in the US, the key labeled "1" is historically also labeled with the letters A, B, and C)." Um, no? 1 is unlabeled. 2 is ABC, 3 is DEF, etc., up to 9 being WXY(Z).

[Bug 19381] New: Void elements list does not include <wbr> and <track> elements

[Bug 19405] Clarify focusability of hidden="" content

[Bug 19405] Correct text in Section 7.1 pertaining to hidden content

[Bug 19405] New: Correct text in Section 7.1 pertaining to hidden content

[Bug 19406] Change "screen readers" example to "printers"

[Bug 19406] New: Change "screen readers" example to "printers"

[Bug 19433] Minor markup error in the source

[Bug 19433] New: Minor markup error in the source

[Bug 19451] Guidance on when to add ARIA inline vs script is misleading

[Bug 19451] New: Guidance on when to add ARIA inline vs script is misleading

[Bug 19481] New: test

[Bug 19481] test

[Bug 19489] New: Update scripts/'s Anolis configuration to use html5lib instead of lxml

[Bug 19489] Update scripts/'s Anolis configuration to use html5lib instead of lxml

[Bug 19490] New: srcset proposal is not fully responsive

[Bug 19490] srcset proposal is not fully responsive

[Bug 19514] New: Support the FIXUP directive in

[Bug 19514] Support the FIXUP directive in

[Bug 19515] Document outline (h[1-6] headings) are incorrect

[Bug 19515] New: Document outline (h[1-6] headings) are incorrect

[Bug 19519] [HTML] [Fetching] The spec needs to clarify that resources originating from elements whose owner documents lack a browsing context won't fetch

[Bug 19519] New: [HTML] [Fetching] The spec needs to clarify that resources originating from elements whose owner documents lack a browsing context won't fetch

[Bug 19522] Document outline (h[1-6] headings) are incorrect

[Bug 19522] New: Document outline (h[1-6] headings) are incorrect

[Bug 19531] New: simplify MIME type capability detection

[Bug 19531] simplify MIME type capability detection

[Bug 19535] New: The event fired with the click() method should have its isTrusted event set to false (because that is what Opera and Firefox do and because it makes sense) but there is nothing in this spec +DOM4 that makes that happen.

[Bug 19535] The event fired with the click() method should have its isTrusted event set to false (because that is what Opera and Firefox do and because it makes sense) but there is nothing in this spec +DOM4 that makes that happen.

[Bug 19536] New: [WebVTT] Allow using a smaller viewport for position/size of cues

[Bug 19541] New: Specification split marks are out of kilter

[Bug 19541] Specification split marks are out of kilter

[Bug 19558] Needed: An Algorithmic "Hook" For Culling URL.objectURLs with autoRevoke=true

[Bug 19558] New: Needed: An Algorithmic "Hook" For Culling URL.objectURLs with autoRevoke=true

[Bug 19582] Add coap and coaps to the whitelist'ed scheme list

[Bug 19582] New: Add coap and coaps to the whitelist'ed scheme list

[Bug 19584] change "generateKeyRequest" to createSession in introduction section

[Bug 19584] New: change "generateKeyRequest" to createSession in introduction section

[Bug 19585] New: revise addKey() description

[Bug 19585] revise addKey() description

[Bug 19591] Making the main content element a sectioning element

[Bug 19591] New: Making the main content element a sectioning element

[Bug 19615] editorial change to 1.2.2 key system part

[Bug 19615] New: editorial change to 1.2.2 key system part

[Bug 19616] New: session id for encrypted media

[Bug 19616] session id for encrypted media

[Bug 19617] New: "did store key" for addKey()

[Bug 19618] New: need definition about key id and content id

[Bug 19620] New: Need definition of "next message" in addKey() procedure

[Bug 19621] define MediaKeySessionArray inside MediaKeys

[Bug 19621] New: define MediaKeySessionArray inside MediaKeys

[Bug 19622] define eventhandler onkeyadded for MediaKeySession

[Bug 19622] New: define eventhandler onkeyadded for MediaKeySession

[Bug 19624] add onkeymessage eventhandler to MediaKeySession

[Bug 19624] New: add onkeymessage eventhandler to MediaKeySession

[Bug 19625] add onkeyerror event handler to MediaKeySession

[Bug 19625] New: add onkeyerror event handler to MediaKeySession

[Bug 19641] New: example "This canvas element has a couple of checkboxes" don`t work.

[Bug 19661] Itemprop mention in HTML5 spec

[Bug 19661] New: Itemprop mention in HTML5 spec

[Bug 19673] New: Seamless audio signal transitions at splice points

[Bug 19673] Seamless audio signal transitions at splice points

[Bug 19676] New: timestampOffset accuracy

[Bug 19676] timestampOffset accuracy

[Bug 19677] Add <canvas>.supportsContext(DOMString contextId, any... arguments)

[Bug 19677] New: Add <canvas>.supportsContext(DOMString contextId, any... arguments)

[Bug 19714] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...xcvcxv

[Bug 19714] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...xcvcxv

[Bug 19722] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel=stylesheet href=css/style.css> <h1>Hello world</h1> <script src=js/scripts.js></script>

[Bug 19722] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel=stylesheet href=css/style.css> <h1>Hello world</h1> <script src=js/scripts.js></script>

[Bug 19724] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE HTML> <meta charset=utf-8> <title>Hello World</title> <link rel=stylesheet href=css/style.css> <h1>Hello world</h1> <script src=js/scripts.js></script>

[Bug 19728] "Additional semantics" for the input element's title attribute are not explained

[Bug 19728] New: "Additional semantics" for the input element's title attribute are not explained

[Bug 19735] Add script to generate links from <dfn> terms to their uses in the spec

[Bug 19735] New: Add script to generate links from <dfn> terms to their uses in the spec

[Bug 19736] New: Paint Source reference is no longer valid

[Bug 19740] New: Single page view has broken UTF-8

[Bug 19741] New: Wrong advice on headings should be removed

[Bug 19741] Wrong advice on headings should be removed

[Bug 19742] HTML5 should not 'strongly encourage' authors to use only H1 level headings

[Bug 19742] New: HTML5 should not 'strongly encourage' authors to use only H1 level headings

[Bug 19751] Constraint Validation - Add a means of detecting invalid form submissions

[Bug 19751] New: Constraint Validation - Add a means of detecting invalid form submissions

[Bug 19752] Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19752] New: Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19756] "Further changes to WHATWG HTML that do not affect HTML5" not up to date?

[Bug 19756] New: "Further changes to WHATWG HTML that do not affect HTML5" not up to date?

[Bug 19773] Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19773] New: Add sandboxed pointer lock flag to HTML Sandboxing

[Bug 19784] New: timestampOffset with multiplexed Media Segments

[Bug 19784] timestampOffset with multiplexed Media Segments

[Bug 19785] Clarification on key storage

[Bug 19785] New: Clarification on key storage

[Bug 19788] New: What, if any, event should be fired when no key is available to decrypt the block?

[Bug 19788] What, if any, event should be fired when no key is available to decrypt the block?

[Bug 19791] MediaKeySession Error Code typo

[Bug 19791] New: MediaKeySession Error Code typo

[Bug 19805] New: Restriction to only use initData in createSession is too restrictive

[Bug 19805] Restriction to only use initData in createSession is too restrictive

[Bug 6689] Removing remaining mention of Element.setAttributeNode()

[Bug 7260] Create testsuite for table headers association

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2012 23:56:37 UTC