from November 2012 by subject

[Bug 10066] replace section 3.2.6 with the alternative spec text provided (ARIA)

[Bug 10248] Canvas requires a Caret Drawing call method

[Bug 10249] Canvas requires a content selection method

[Bug 10252] HTML5 hard-binds "Action" to accesskey key-press

[Bug 10481] Default role of <IMG> should be "img"

[Bug 10482] Specify how @usemap affects role (of <img> and <object>)

[Bug 10779] triggering the Action of the command via accesskey

[Bug 10780] reference to definition of Action insufficient for definition of accesskey

[Bug 10888] Access Command Requirements for HTML5

[Bug 10905] clarify how assigning an accesskey to an element affects the elements default role

[Bug 10994] accessKeyLabel can expose new information about the user and possibly also other origins

[Bug 11140] Subject: Physical Keys and Gestures for "accesskey" attribute The use of ASCII/Unicode code points for key binding has numerous well-known drawbacks. There are vital physical keyboard keys with no Unicode representation. Even for the main alphabet keys sp

[Bug 11238] Enable canvas to support accessible rich text editing

[Bug 11240] Canvas support accessible selection position tracking independent of Focus Ring tracking

[Bug 11342] TextMetrics should include distance from textBaseline to each of the baselines in the text

[Bug 11379] [pending URL spec] definition of hierarchical URL inconsistent with rfc 3986

[Bug 11587] [pending URL spec] window.location.hostname should remove brackets of IPv6 host

[Bug 12154] b and strong are font-weight: bolder in implementations, not font-weight: bold

[Bug 12306] "When authors use the canvas element, they must also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas." While everyone can probably agree that alternative content is a good idea when f

[Bug 12543] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12725] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12726] Document should be on the Note-track

[Bug 12906] Canvas should not pretend that it can be used to replace some input elements

[Bug 13103] Visual formatting of content inside the pre element isn't available to assistive technologies

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13359] <track> A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13392] i18n-ISSUE-72: BOM as preferred encoding declaration

[Bug 13429] Section 7.5 contenteditable and designMode must make navigation consistent platform conventions

[Bug 13430] 2.2.3 Extensibility

[Bug 13436] Editorial changes to The Video element (4 of 5)

[Bug 13614] Define <th abbr=""> as a way to provide a name for a row/column that is used when describing cells for which that cell is a header

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13668] Generated content must be accessible

[Bug 13918] spec splitting script/mechanism doesn't remove parts of the spec that are no longer generated

[Bug 14419] when canvas isn't supported, or for blind users, the canvas element's content should be displayed, so excluding input types like text and select is discriminatory

[Bug 14689] xml-stylesheet with type=text/xsl needs to be handled explicitly

[Bug 14832] Check whether the encoding problems for query components applies to mailto: URLs and other non-HTTP URLs and see if we can change the definition of "valid URL" accordingly

[Bug 14871] Should there be a feature detect if a shader fails to load

[Bug 15180] Default handling of non-XHTML XML docs is under-/un- specified

[Bug 15254] Don't forbid underscore in host names in URLs

[Bug 15359] Make BOM trump HTTP

[Bug 16160] dir=auto does not work for user-visible attribute values

[Bug 16165] i18n-ISSUE-136: Recognition of number formats in Number state

[Bug 16553] Consider not firing a needkey event when a potentially encrypted stream is encountered if the key is already known

[Bug 16616] Support change of key during playback

[Bug 16937] Several missing references

[Bug 17465] <track> text tracks need to allow a @default attribute per group of @kind tracks

[Bug 17470] Provide specific guidance on when generateKeyRequest should be called

[Bug 17583] misleading statements about fragment identifiers in application-x-www-form-urlencoded media type

[Bug 18059] Dispatch should link to DOM4 definition of dispatch:

[Bug 18065] Exclude disabled form controls from specially focusable elements.

[Bug 18069] Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)

[Bug 18133] "User agents may support other MIME types and other languages." - the list for JavaScript should be complete such that UAs must not support other MIME types for JavaScript.

[Bug 18144] <video> Add seek() function for non-exact (fast) seeking

[Bug 18259] "The close() method on Window objects should... close the browsing context". What does it mean to "close a browsing context"? Are any event handlers triggered e.g. beforeunload?

[Bug 18260] Ordered list numbering needs to be aware of CSS boxes

[Bug 18278] This definition of "stops parsing" combined with the definition of when an iframe delays the load event of its parent document seems like it will produce the wrong order of events; the iframe should continue to delay the load until after the steps here ha

[Bug 18364] update "[ABOUT]" reference

[Bug 18587] Define clearly what data is removed when setting an explicit duration

[Bug 18601] Contradictory requirements for initialization segments

[Bug 18680] Also use defined character sets for A-Z, a-z, and 0-9 (like with whitespace characters)

[Bug 18709] Add SourceBuffer.remove() method

[Bug 18971] TextTrack should have an id attribute

[Bug 19143] setTimeout and setInterval should clamp at the maximum timeout value

[Bug 19159] allow use of hidden for tab panels

[Bug 19277] Relationship and precedence of hidden="" and display:none should be clarified/defined

[Bug 19279] What happens to focus when element with focus has @hidden set

[Bug 19318] "(e.g. in the US, the key labeled "1" is historically also labeled with the letters A, B, and C)." Um, no? 1 is unlabeled. 2 is ABC, 3 is DEF, etc., up to 9 being WXY(Z).

[Bug 19451] Guidance on when to add ARIA inline vs script is misleading

[Bug 19531] simplify MIME type capability detection

[Bug 19536] [WebVTT] Allow using a smaller viewport for position/size of cues

[Bug 19582] Add coap and coaps to the whitelist'ed scheme list

[Bug 19584] change "generateKeyRequest" to createSession in introduction section

[Bug 19591] Making the main content element a sectioning element

[Bug 19617] "did store key" for addKey()

[Bug 19661] Itemprop mention in HTML5 spec

[Bug 19677] Add <canvas>.supportsContext(DOMString contextId, any... arguments)

[Bug 19740] Single page view has broken UTF-8

[Bug 19741] Wrong advice on headings should be removed

[Bug 19751] Constraint Validation - Add a means of detecting invalid form submissions

[Bug 19788] What, if any, event should be fired when no key is available to decrypt the block?

[Bug 19805] Restriction to only use initData in createSession is too restrictive

[Bug 19809] New: Specify which portion of addKey() algorithm to run when updating license for a key

[Bug 19810] New: Should key IDs be required in content and addKey()'s parameter?

[Bug 19820] Description of transformation in drawimage is confusing

[Bug 19820] New: Description of transformation in drawimage is confusing

[Bug 19828] New: missing tests for ruby, rt, rp elements, ruby segmentation algorithm

[Bug 19829] New: Rename "foreign content" test

[Bug 19830] New: Pass condition of <head profile> test

[Bug 19830] Pass condition of <head profile> test

[Bug 19851] In the following statement, it is unclear WHICH browsing context is being referred to: "13. The fetch algorithm must delay the load event of the browsing context.". Besides, there is no "load event" for the browsing context, only for document. I believe t

[Bug 19851] New: In the following statement, it is unclear WHICH browsing context is being referred to: "13. The fetch algorithm must delay the load event of the browsing context.". Besides, there is no "load event" for the browsing context, only for document. I believe t

[Bug 19852] "abort" algorithm being called from the navigate algorithm causes salvagable=false always

[Bug 19852] New: "abort" algorithm being called from the navigate algorithm causes salvagable=false always

[Bug 19853] New: The media element event task source should probably be ditched and the DOM manipulation task source be used instead. Having some media events have undefined order compared to other tasks is just asking for trouble. (

[Bug 19853] The media element event task source should probably be ditched and the DOM manipulation task source be used instead. Having some media events have undefined order compared to other tasks is just asking for trouble. (

[Bug 19859] New: Point to RFC 6694

[Bug 19869] New: Consider a normative reference for "polyglot markup"/polyglot HTML syntax

[Bug 19874] Drop scoped stylesheets

[Bug 19874] New: Drop scoped stylesheets

[Bug 19887] add a "script" or "writing-system" attribute, in addition to "lang"

[Bug 19887] New: add a "script" or "writing-system" attribute, in addition to "lang"

[Bug 19888] New: select the default value of "dir" according to "lang"

[Bug 19895] New: mods for main stylesheet speccing

[Bug 19899] New: Support for Break characters should be reconsidered for Textarea

[Bug 19905] HTML5 Canvas Gradient - new idea, "new Canvas"...

[Bug 19905] New: HTML5 Canvas Gradient - new idea, "new Canvas"...

[Bug 19906] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19906] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19922] New: note-vs-rec item 4: should be _no_ one objects

[Bug 19923] html-polyglot should be a Note

[Bug 19923] New: html-polyglot should be a Note

[Bug 19925] Drop XHTML from the title of the document

[Bug 19925] New: Drop XHTML from the title of the document

[Bug 19931] New: Should not prefer byte order mark with UTF-8

[Bug 19931] Should not prefer byte order mark with UTF-8

[Bug 19932] New: Proposal: Add CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRule

[Bug 19932] Proposal: Add CanvasRenderingContext2D.fillRule

[Bug 19933] Check the version history, and uses of the word "recommended", and of the words "not recommended"... either we should have "not recommended" in the list of words, or we should have neither that nor "recommended".

[Bug 19933] New: Check the version history, and uses of the word "recommended", and of the words "not recommended"... either we should have "not recommended" in the list of words, or we should have neither that nor "recommended".

[Bug 19934] Is the argument of setLineDash an array or sequence?

[Bug 19934] New: Is the argument of setLineDash an array or sequence?

[Bug 19950] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 19950] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 19952] HTML5 Digit Shape Requirement

[Bug 19952] New: HTML5 Digit Shape Requirement

[Bug 19958] [AAPI]: missed items in table of contents

[Bug 19958] New: [AAPI]: missed items in table of contents

[Bug 19963] 404 page does not have the same style as others

[Bug 19963] New: 404 page does not have the same style as others

[Bug 19967] New: definition of body element incorrect

[Bug 19992] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19992] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 19994] New: Should 'The indicated part of the document' be calculated only when the hashtag change?

[Bug 19999] New: resolve normative MIMESNIFF reference to a "Living Standard"

[Bug 20018] New: Strange section breaks

[Bug 20033] [AAPI]: add name computation rules for HTML label

[Bug 20033] New: [AAPI]:

[Bug 20034] canvas getImageData opens security whole for code

[Bug 20034] New: canvas getImageData opens security whole for code

[Bug 20035] New: broken link on HTML4/5 Differences page: input type="color"

[Bug 20048] New: remove decorative image code example

[Bug 20048] remove decorative image code example

[Bug 20063] New: Unclear whether a <track> element's load event should fired if appended to a <video> with no "src" attribute

[Bug 20063] Unclear whether a <track> element's load event should fired if appended to a <video> with no "src" attribute

[Bug 20064] New: Technique used to determine support for mp4 or webm in track test is faulty

[Bug 20065] Microdata spec generator puts section in wrong place

[Bug 20065] New: Microdata spec generator puts section in wrong place

[Bug 20066] New: Test at is faulty

[Bug 20078] New: Remove <canvas> element and replace to image URI with dynamic rendering

[Bug 20079] New: [Microdata] surplus markup creates surplus li dot (typo)

[Bug 20080] New: [Microdata] sentence is scrambled

[Bug 20081] New: [Microdata] section ordering is incorrect

[Bug 20082] Change Microdata specification track to W3C Note

[Bug 20082] New: Change Microdata specification track to W3C Note

[Bug 20085] Description of BDI element needs to be updated after a change in the CSS unicode-bidi:isolate spec

[Bug 20085] New: Description of BDI element needs to be updated after a change in the CSS unicode-bidi:isolate spec

[Bug 20087] New: Use unique styling for the accessibility tree

[Bug 20087] Use unique styling for the accessibility tree

[Bug 20088] Discuss benefits of using role=application

[Bug 20088] New: Discuss benefits of using role=application

[Bug 20089] New: Meaning of raw UTF-16LE/BE

[Bug 20098] New: submitting forms with application/x-www-form-urlencoded vs charset

[Bug 20116] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 20116] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> <p>Hello World</p>

[Bug 20117] Discoverability should mean "for all users"

[Bug 20117] New: Discoverability should mean "for all users"

[Bug 20118] New: Several clarifications / suggestions for improvement

[Bug 20118] Several clarifications / suggestions for improvement

[Bug 20157] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: jj<br/>jj

[Bug 20157] Suggested test from live DOM viewer: jj<br/>jj

[Bug 20167] New: Invalid [FULLSCREEN] reference

[Bug 20172] New: “Art direction” use case not well supported

[Bug 20173] New: No way to determine which source is being displayed

[Bug 20174] New: Lacks way to support different image types

[Bug 20175] New: Lacks means to sensibly manipulate sources

[Bug 20176] New: Syntax only supports 'mobile first'

[Bug 20177] New: Spaces in candidates

[Bug 20193] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 20194] New: Suggested test from live DOM viewer: <!DOCTYPE html> ...

[Bug 8722] focus behaviour should be same for canvas regions as for elements

[Bug 9061] allow image maps on the canvas element.

[Bug 9969] The polyglot publication implies it is normative

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2012 23:43:07 UTC