from January 2012 by subject

[Bug 10444] ARIA section does not list elements that have no default role or role restrictions

[Bug 10455] Mint a describedby attribute for the img element

[Bug 10618] Use "unmapped" rather than "no role" in the weak/strong ARIA tables

[Bug 10645] <dialog> Add support for in-page dialogs

[Bug 10671] consider adding support for PUT and DELETE as form methods

[Bug 10829] Remove the whitespace from the <rp> example

[Bug 10830] i18n comment : Please add support for rb

[Bug 10849] provide means to add image content catagories to images

[Bug 10853] HTML5 lacks a verbose description mechanism

[Bug 10888] Access Command Requirements for HTML5

[Bug 10906] make the the conforming use of placeholder dependent on the presence of a label

[Bug 10938] Add <textual/> - a visible textual substitute element w/link capability

[Bug 10964] Canvas needs to support a backing store in the DOM subtree capable of supporting screen reading

[Bug 10967] Add @desclink, a description link attr. for any embedded element + figure

[Bug 10975] from gmail, JimJJewett said: Audio and Video should show the fallback content (for older browsers) if they do not understand the codec -- even if they understand video (or audio) itself

[Bug 11204] Defer to DOM Parsing for innerHTML et al

[Bug 11342] TextMetrics should include distance from textBaseline to each of the baselines in the text

[Bug 11391] Provide examples of actual <track> usage, user agent implications

[Bug 11482] WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period)

[Bug 11798] It has been brought to my attention by some browser vendors that browsers don't actually implement accessibility API annotations exactly the way the ARIA spec says to; instead, they have default mappings from HTML directly to the accessibility APIs that t

[Bug 11891] add role attribute to list of global attributes and add definition for it

[Bug 11892] explicitly state that ARIA states and properties are formal/normative HTML attributes

[Bug 11893] define lexical processing rules for ARIA attributes

[Bug 11895] Make Downloads more reliable by specifying checksums

[Bug 12053] The current default ARIA role for the summary element in HTML5 is nonsensical

[Bug 12154] b and strong are font-weight: bolder in implementations, not font-weight: bold

[Bug 12226] incorrect example in section 1.9.2 syntax errors

[Bug 12228] All Media Elements should have the ability to have both short and longer textual descriptions associated to the element.

[Bug 12393] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox

[Bug 12399] <video> add bytesReceived, downloadTime, and networkWaitTime metrics

[Bug 12417] HTML5 is missing attribute for specifying translatability of content

[Bug 12490] potential conflict between Link: and <link> semantics

[Bug 12539] The numeric references to produce the gyphs in the third column should use the characters listed in the second columns. lang (and aliases) list (correctly) U+27ea, but the glyph is produced by #9001 (U+2329) which is not in normal form C and generates va

[Bug 12543] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 12561] Add the @action in the <form> so that there is a way to submit to the same page

[Bug 12590] @role=presentation for IMG should also require that @title is empty

[Bug 12604] Provide accessibility API details for Change Proposal for ISSUE-131

[Bug 12715] When used to include data blocks (as opposed to scripts), the data must be embedded inline

[Bug 12794] <video> Add a non-normative note on how to provide text alternatives for media elements

[Bug 12834] Allow wrapping LEGEND (or new iLEGEND) in non-FIELDSET elements

[Bug 12903] HTML5 need to have a fullscreen abitity - like flash had (has) - for embedded video streams

[Bug 12964] <video>: Declarative linking of full-text transcripts to video and audio elements

[Bug 13023] removing CSS outline bad for accessibility

[Bug 13057] Remove INS and DEL elements in favor of a new set of attributes

[Bug 13062] HTML spec should not dictate first/last child nesting level and exact order of child siblings

[Bug 13115] Confusing contradiction in description of "alt" attribute

[Bug 13138] DOM Core: set concept-document-media-type

[Bug 13176] The bounds of canvas fallback content, as rendered on the canvas, are not provided by the user agent to an assistive technology.

[Bug 13181] Canvas does not allow mouse events to be directed to keyboard accessible objects in fallback content

[Bug 13226] Rename "Interfaces" index section to more precise "Element interfaces"

[Bug 13228] xref "content model" and maybe some of the other boilerplate terms in the lead, so the meaning is clearer. See bug 13224 for someone who didn't understand what it meant.

[Bug 13263] Issues that have no impact on conformance requirements can consume undue time and energy

[Bug 13319] Script errors should provide column position (add a fourth argument to onerror handler)

[Bug 13326] Move defaultMuted to HTMLVideoElement

[Bug 13359] <track> A way is needed to identify the type of data in a track element

[Bug 13408] UA should use element locale for i18n

[Bug 13409] Defining Entity references for characters in XHTML.

[Bug 13428] Remove Requirements for providing text to act as an alternative for images

[Bug 13432] <video> In the description of accessibility features, call out those with reduced faculties separately from those with disabilities, to avoid offending the elderly

[Bug 13447] SVG content model VENN diagram needs to be made accessible [ Kinds of content/content-venn.svg].

[Bug 13449] Don't allow blank alt text on area elements

[Bug 13461] Commentary on Issue #30 (longdesc) from the Association of American Publishers

[Bug 13479] Document conformance/validity has to be stable over the time

[Bug 13511] document parsing should discuss setting up accessibility APIs

[Bug 13512] Need a DOM event for AT to catch when content is inserted

[Bug 13514] Support different resolutions for command elements and images

[Bug 13531] use of implicit labels in examples

[Bug 13533] Navigation to and through static content

[Bug 13535] Preventing validation from trapping focus

[Bug 13539] Specify reading and navigation order

[Bug 13549] 4.10.18 associating form elements with forms that do not contain them can cause navigation problems for AT and keyboard users

[Bug 13550] type table in 4.10.7 should indicate control type changes based on list attribute

[Bug 13551] clarify definition of "value sanitization algorithm"

[Bug 13561] some input types don't have controls specified

[Bug 13562] input type=number is listed in table with control of "text box or spinner control."

[Bug 13567] Fix typos in definition of <input type=image alt="">

[Bug 13570] why does input type=color support autocomplete?

[Bug 13571] user agent MUST allow user to activate the button

[Bug 13572] 4.10.19 aborting autofocus based on user choice not optional

[Bug 13578] Argument for the approval of adding setElementPath to the Canvas 2d specification.

[Bug 13591] Keyboard-only drag and drop must be fully supported

[Bug 13614] Define <th abbr=""> as a way to provide a name for a row/column that is used when describing cells for which that cell is a header

[Bug 13617] Protecting privacy of accessibility settings

[Bug 13619] Provide access to global accessibility settings

[Bug 13621] Allow user agents flexibility to meet user needs

[Bug 13625] There is no way to pass audio and video content metadata to the user agent that is required in some cases for playback.

[Bug 13645] Reference section 12.1 'text/html' of HTML5 instead of RFC 3236

[Bug 13647] Treat math @alttext as equivalent to @aria-label

[Bug 13651] Missing alt should not be considered conforming in the presence of figcaptions over 50 words in length.

[Bug 13659] 4.8.2 srcdoc seems error prone

[Bug 13662] will the sandbox attribute break script-based AT?

[Bug 13669] Indicating batch changes to the DOM

[Bug 13727] regarding "phrase or paragraph with an alternative graphical representation"

[Bug 13903] leftover text about "sidebar hyperlinks"

[Bug 14101] Add an event for when the <details open=""> attribute is added or removed

[Bug 14104] <track> Live captioning

[Bug 14107] Non-conformance of the summary attribute for the table element makes WCAG 1.0 compliance impossible

[Bug 14143] Selectors Level 3 - E:javascript AND E:not(:javascript)

[Bug 14210] Reflecting href with a URL that doesn't resolve doesn't return the empty string in browsers (at least opera/moz, don't know what URL would fail to resolve in webkit). Instead it returns the value without resolving.

[Bug 14260] <track> "text tracks ready" and HTMLMediaElement.readyState

[Bug 14275] This non-normative box is not very clean. After all, using DOM methods or innerHTML also could make DOM not correspond source code of document (heck, older versions of IE did some transformations). Also, as long you won't use async or defer I cannot think

[Bug 14379] Definition of the output element requires amending

[Bug 14386] HTML5 media lacks audio panning support.

[Bug 14421] Possible error in canvas Philip test 2d.path.stroke.prune.arc

[Bug 14430] Incorrect or inconsistent glyph values for &rang; and &lang;

[Bug 14486] Should list items really be allowed to contain headings? If so, should list items be made sectioning roots or similar?

[Bug 14575] <track> Spec is confused about which edge the text position starts from

[Bug 14646] <track> Don't use one-letter settings. They are non-intuitive and hard to remember. It makes little sense to use a single letter for the setting but then a sensible string for the value. Please use "align" instead of "A", etc.

[Bug 14693] \ rewriting in URLs never happens?

[Bug 14701] appcache: remove the requirement for the MIME type

[Bug 14702] appcache: always up-to-date applications

[Bug 14705] appcache: SOP requirement for cache manifest files should be relaxed (at least) by CORS.

[Bug 14832] Check whether the encoding problems for query components applies to mailto: URLs and other non-HTTP URLs and see if we can change the definition of "valid URL" accordingly

[Bug 14833] "If current node is a pre, textarea, or listing element, append a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character." - no browser does this and when we tried it caused site-compat problems. It should either be removed or changed to only emit a extra LF if the element's fi

[Bug 14835] Typo: s/tat/that/ or s/tat/the/ in DOM

[Bug 14836] The title should read "User Agent Accessibility Guidelines" instead.

[Bug 14845] For editorial consistency, "noshade" should link to attr-hr-noshade (the definition exists). And why is the @title attr-input-noshade by the way?

[Bug 14850] make unicode-bidi:isolate default for flow elements with a dir attribute too

[Bug 14853] The variable 'node' in the example function 'processClick' is never defined anywhere

[Bug 14859] Don't mention CDATASection nodes here

[Bug 14889] For input.valueAsNumber In the non-normative box, "otherwise, returns null" should read "otherwise, returns NaN".

[Bug 14890] For invalid Date, the terminology here seems to be "undefined" insted of "null" according to WebIDL, and the ECMAScript "null" value should never reach here according to the IDL description of attribute "valueAsDate". For readiblity, I suggest we just s/i

[Bug 14891] FileCallback interface undefined and not referenced as external dependency

[Bug 14896] UIEvent referenced by not used

[Bug 14907] It looks like you can pass the return value of setInterval to clearTimeout

[Bug 14915] "partial interface URL", but there's no URL interface defined anywhere else.

[Bug 14918] (editorial) The name attribute links to the wrong thing (attr-input-value). Should be attr-fe-name instead.

[Bug 14929] <track> use the same names in the DOM API as in WebVTT's cue settings

[Bug 14935] An absolute URI not IRI

[Bug 15000] Don't fire load until the image is fully decodable. If the image is corrupt or unsupported, the spec says to fire load *and* error, but browsers don't do that.

[Bug 15023] WebVTT v2: Add inline style support

[Bug 15024] WebVTT v2: Add default settings support

[Bug 15031] MediaController: Event handler 'ontimeupdate' has event type 'durationchange' instead of 'timeupdate'

[Bug 15032] <track> Use 'after' (not 'before') to describe cue list creation algorithm.

[Bug 15049] The description of opener doesn't say what the value is if any of the listed conditions do not hold. I think null is the correct value for windows with no opener, but the IDL lists its type as WindowProxy instead of WindowProxy?, which would seem to indic

[Bug 15063] each MessageChannel acts as its own task source. This means that messages sent using this function are not guaranteed to execute in order, since the order task sources are processed isn't specified.

[Bug 15100] Right-aligning a numeric table column is much more work than it should be

[Bug 15120] It would appear that setTimeout()'s algorithm doesn't ever actually check whether the task is still in the list of active timeouts, and doesn't remove the timeout from the list of active timeouts. Similarly with setInterval().

[Bug 15126] <cite> tag should include an intra-article link to a full source citation (such as an MLA or APA citation in scholarly research)

[Bug 15133] Please explain how hidden=true interacts with plugin loading. Should it be treated as display:none?

[Bug 15140] The video element's poster attribute requires clarification in relation to precedence

[Bug 15153] International language support need improvement. For Chinese characters, each time we start a new line in coding part, there should not be any space insert in browsing view. It is helpful for Web Developers. This situation also applies to other asian lang

[Bug 15169] "The two attributes must be omitted if the resource in question does not have both an intrinsic width and an intrinsic height." The use of a double negative is confusing. Can you please clarify w

[Bug 15174] rendering.html quotes rules don't allow inheritance of author-specified 'quotes'

[Bug 15175] rendering.html suggested 'quotes' values lack « spacing »

[Bug 15176] section.html: "equivalence" of two snippets in example

[Bug 15177] s/Dedicated/Shared/ in the first sensentece tagged [WebIDL] or this is a duplicate of the similar sentence in previous section.

[Bug 15180] Default handling of non-XHTML XML docs is under-/un- specified

[Bug 15184] document.all.item(string) shouldn't do the same thing as HTMLCollection

[Bug 15192] section 8.1.4 Character references; section Character encodings In section, we say, "User agents must at a minimum support the UTF-8 and Windows-1252 encodings, but may support more." In section 8.1.4, we say, "The numeric character refere

[Bug 15193] draggable and dropzone regions require labels

[Bug 15195] apparently incorrect note about violation of Unicode wrt stripping leading BOM

[Bug 15202] The method and formmethod content attributes are enumerated attributes with the following keywords and states: The keyword get, mapping to the state GET, indicating the HTTP GET method. The keyword post, mapping to the state POST, indicating the HTTP POST

[Bug 15203] New Supra purple supra Supra Bandit Purple Sh

[Bug 15207] <track> In the TrackEventInit dictionary the member should be named 'track' and not 'Track'.

[Bug 15208] s/invokation/invocation/ ?

[Bug 15211] (editorial) In step 16, remove duplicate URLs in <var>file list</var> as well. (It should be apparent so whether entry merging actually affects <var>file list</var> is sort of editorial nit I guess.)

[Bug 15212] If a text selection is identified for a drag operation

[Bug 15213] Drag-and-drop processing model

[Bug 15214] <track> TextTrackList should inherit from EventTarget.

[Bug 15225] If an arc is given a negative radius couldn't the result of that just flip or invert the arc? It would be better than throwing an error, and what I'd expect to happen in that case.

[Bug 15228] Be more explicit about headers in redirects.

[Bug 15229] How to use @required on dependent elements with no-Javascript clients

[Bug 15231] When the source of a video element points to anaudio file, its intrinsic size should be the same as if there was no resource, and it should not be set to 0. This is not necessarily an author bug. It can happen if the platform has audio codecs but no video

[Bug 15236] Add "allow-popups" for iframe@sandbox (placeholder bug)

[Bug 15244] The second table of event handlers should not apply to frameset

[Bug 15254] Don't forbid underscore in host names in URLs

[Bug 15255] CanvasRenderingContext2D.getTransform() would be quite awesome

[Bug 15256] The WebVTT specifications link is incorrectly placed under the WEBWORKERS heading, which seems to be missing from the index

[Bug 15278] Adding Islamic calendar support in HTML5

[Bug 15291] Allow textarea@pattern (input@pattern is specced already so why not)

[Bug 15298] I don't know if this belongs here but I think it would be a nice feature in the new HTML5 to make it possible to save canvas animations to a .gif instead of getting just a single frame like .bmp or .png :)

[Bug 15304] Nested <META> tags in <HEAD>

[Bug 15329] Problem: Stop user navigation when the page is showing alerts. Feature: A new type of alerts for show they under the bookmark place that don't stop user navigation while is showing alerts.

[Bug 15331] (editorial) Typo: s/if does not/it does not/

[Bug 15359] Make BOM trump HTTP

[Bug 15373] JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15373] New: JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15374] JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15374] New: JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15375] JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15375] New: JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15376] JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15376] New: JScript - window script block 249 812.50 15.63 Webpage error details User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Timestamp: Sun, 1 Jan 2012 23:50:39 UTC Message: '$' is undefined Line: 163 Ch

[Bug 15378] New: The DOM Range standard at the target of this link appears to have been split into and

[Bug 15379] Hi, i was wondering why there is explicit hard limit of how setTimeout works. In spec it says: 6.3 Timers ... "4. If the currently running task is a task that was created by the setTimeout() method, and timeout is less than 4, then increase timeout to 4."

[Bug 15379] New: Hi, i was wondering why there is explicit hard limit of how setTimeout works. In spec it says: 6.3 Timers ... "4. If the currently running task is a task that was created by the setTimeout() method, and timeout is less than 4, then increase timeout to 4."

[Bug 15380] Define a User-Agent string format subset (liason witth HTTP people etc)

[Bug 15380] New: Define a User-Agent string format subset (liason witth HTTP people etc)

[Bug 15394] New: Web site speed security Web pages speed security 1 page "Login" click new page (web traffic (server (upload + download trafic), internet service, user), time) New technologies Browser (new code (low code (user name (web browser automation user name exampl

[Bug 15396] Element dialog not allowed as child of element body in this context.

[Bug 15396] New: Element dialog not allowed as child of element body in this context.

[Bug 15397] Kapan Kita Bisa Saling Memberikan Jempolers

[Bug 15397] New: Kapan Kita Bisa Saling Memberikan Jempolers

[Bug 15401] metadata in image files

[Bug 15401] New: metadata in image files

[Bug 15403] New: the definition of ancestor excludes direct ancestors (A being the parent of B). A browsing context A is an ancestor of browsing context B if browsing context A is the parent browsing context of browsing context B, or if there exists a browsing context A'

[Bug 15403] the definition of ancestor excludes direct ancestors (A being the parent of B). A browsing context A is an ancestor of browsing context B if browsing context A is the parent browsing context of browsing context B, or if there exists a browsing context A'

[Bug 15407] New: What the hech this small window is?

[Bug 15407] What the hech this small window is?

[Bug 15408] <meta name = "text/html;" charset="utf-8;" http-equiv= "Content-Type"/>

[Bug 15408] New: <meta name = "text/html;" charset="utf-8;" http-equiv= "Content-Type"/>

[Bug 15413] <label> :checked state should reflect the input's one

[Bug 15413] New: <label> :checked state should reflect the input's one

[Bug 15414] New: This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows:

[Bug 15414] This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows:

[Bug 15415] New: This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows:

[Bug 15415] This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows:

[Bug 15416] New: This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows:

[Bug 15416] This specification defines a big part of the Web platform, in lots of detail. Its place in the Web platform specification stack relative to other specifications can be best summed up as follows:

[Bug 15419] New: very good.fsd fssfasfd

[Bug 15419] very good.fsd fssfasfd

[Bug 15427] New: Ok that's fine

[Bug 15427] Ok that's fine

[Bug 15428] New: :read-write should always apply to input elements if @readonly doesn't apply

[Bug 15429] New: Form submission: reveal submit button in submit event

[Bug 15436] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="html、CSS、Movable Type、JavaScriptのブログ。"> <meta property="og:type" content="blog"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <m

[Bug 15436] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="html、CSS、Movable Type、JavaScriptのブログ。"> <meta property="og:type" content="blog"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <m

[Bug 15437] <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="html、CSS、Movable Type、JavaScriptのブログ。"> <meta property="og:type" content="blog"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <m

[Bug 15437] New: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="ja"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="html、CSS、Movable Type、JavaScriptのブログ。"> <meta property="og:type" content="blog"> <meta property="og:image" content=""> <m

[Bug 15438] Details node needs to fire event when opened or closed

[Bug 15438] New: Details node needs to fire event when opened or closed

[Bug 15439] New: access microphone with html5

[Bug 15440] ccccc dd d d d daaaaaaaaaaa dddddddddddd

[Bug 15440] New: ccccc dd d d d daaaaaaaaaaa dddddddddddd

[Bug 15446] New: Hi, I suggest to create a breadcrum tag. It would be very useful. I also suggest a title property for sectioning elements. Why? Well, maybe I have section that because of aesthetic reasons I don't want it to have a title, so I don't use header tags, or a

[Bug 15447] New: support for document.write should not be required

[Bug 15447] support for document.write should not be required

[Bug 15450] needed method to set "current state" of a form as the "default state"

[Bug 15450] New: needed method to set "current state" of a form as the "default state"

[Bug 15451] New: M2 手工皮革

[Bug 15452] New: Status of This document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the most recently formally published revision of this technical

[Bug 15452] Status of This document This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the most recently formally published revision of this technical

[Bug 15455] <details> elements without a child <summary> element should automatically get one (not just a text label)

[Bug 15455] New: <details> elements without a child <summary> element should automatically get one (not just a text label)

[Bug 15464] New: Since this page is very large and since it is referred to by other pages and since there already exists a multi page format Please evaluate having this page "" be the multi page format version. Thank you for your

[Bug 15465] New: Please add a comment on THIS page, where the availability of the "web developer edition" is mentioned, that the "web developer edition" is for "Web authors and others who are not User Agent implementors(spelling?)" which I would expect to be the majority

[Bug 15468] ` weLcOme poo ! > ?

[Bug 15468] New: ` weLcOme poo ! > ?

[Bug 15469] ` weLcOme poo ! > ?

[Bug 15469] New: ` weLcOme poo ! > ?

[Bug 15485] New: One of the examples' HTML is formatted weirdly. It doesn't seem intentional.

[Bug 15486] New: The first character class in the regexp is incorrect. It should be: [a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]

[Bug 15486] The first character class in the regexp is incorrect. It should be: [a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]

[Bug 15488] New: it makes no sense to limit the placeholder attribute to values of the same direction as the <input>

[Bug 15489] Email addresses should be converted from Punycode to ASCII before validating them

[Bug 15489] IDN email addresses should be converted to Punycode before validating them

[Bug 15489] New: Email addresses should be converted from Punycode to ASCII before validating them

[Bug 15490] New: The e-mail validation regexp doesn't need to escape the ^ in the character class at its position (at least in JS).

[Bug 15490] The e-mail validation regexp doesn't need to escape the ^ in the character class at its position (at least in JS).

[Bug 15491] <track> The statement/sentence "A text track cue is immutable." is no longer true (ref:

[Bug 15491] New: The statement/sentence "A text track cue is immutable." is no longer true (ref:

[Bug 15492] <track> Normalization for setter of TextTrackCue.text is not defined

[Bug 15492] New: Normalization for setter of TextTrackCue.text is not defined

[Bug 15492] Normalization for setter of TextTrackCue.text is not defined

[Bug 15496] New: Why don't say container?

[Bug 15496] Why don't say container?

[Bug 15510] avoid minimized attributes

[Bug 15510] New: avoid minimized attributes

[Bug 15512] New: Section: Links >> Link types; Requesting that the link type "publisher" be reinstated inside the HTML5 specification. The reason is because Google has adopted this tag as a means of identifying a web site with a corresponding Google+ business page. It is

[Bug 15512] Section: Links >> Link types; Requesting that the link type "publisher" be reinstated inside the HTML5 specification. The reason is because Google has adopted this tag as a means of identifying a web site with a corresponding Google+ business page. It is

[Bug 15513] New: section #4.9 Hello, is there any specific reason, why isn't posible, in html5 this? <!DOCTYPE html> <title>asd</title> <table> <tr> <form> <td>&nbsp;</td> </form> </tr> </table> browser can handle it OK thx

[Bug 15513] section #4.9 Hello, is there any specific reason, why isn't posible, in html5 this? <!DOCTYPE html> <title>asd</title> <table> <tr> <form> <td>&nbsp;</td> </form> </tr> </table> browser can handle it OK thx

[Bug 15520] New: In 1.2 I see example: <h1 itemscope> <data itemprop="product-id" value="9678AOU879">The Instigator 2000</data> </h1> Here, there is an item with a property whose value is a product ID. The ID is not human-friendly, so the product's name is used the human

[Bug 15526] New: Nitpick / clarification request: Navigation to fragment identifier doesn't specify value of non-optional "align to top flag" "When the user agent is required to scroll to the fragment identifier, it must change the scrolling position of the document using

[Bug 15528] CSS contains styling for deprecated elements (e.g.) plaintext that have been removed from the spec.

[Bug 15528] New: CSS contains styling for deprecated elements (e.g.) plaintext that have been removed from the spec.

[Bug 15534] Comprado el libro del html5 Canvas y para practicar necesito la fuente

[Bug 15534] New: Comprado el libro del html5 Canvas y para practicar necesito la fuente

[Bug 15546] i dont understand all of this please'explain to me, thank you

[Bug 15546] New: i dont understand all of this please'explain to me, thank you

[Bug 15548] New: What precisely is "the Document's browsing context"? Nothing seems to explicitly specify how Documents are associated with browsing contexts. Boris says defaultView isn't clearly defined or interoperable across browsers:

[Bug 15549] &lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;video width=&quot;320&quot; height=&quot;240&quot; controls=&quot;controls&quot;&gt; &lt;source src=&quot;movie.ogg&quot; type=&quot;video/ogg&quot; /&gt; &lt;source src=&quot;movie.mp4&quot; type=&q

[Bug 15549] New: &lt;!DOCTYPE HTML&gt; &lt;html&gt; &lt;body&gt; &lt;video width=&quot;320&quot; height=&quot;240&quot; controls=&quot;controls&quot;&gt; &lt;source src=&quot;movie.ogg&quot; type=&quot;video/ogg&quot; /&gt; &lt;source src=&quot;movie.mp4&quot; type=&q

[Bug 15550] Gecko supports language=mocha, language=javascript1.{6,7,8}

[Bug 15550] New: Gecko supports language=mocha, language=javascript1.{6,7,8}

[Bug 15556] New: typo "References" instead of "Change Controller"

[Bug 15557] Clarify whether constraints on static text (12.1.3) applies here to text nodes inserted dynamiclly.

[Bug 15557] New: Clarify whether constraints on static text (12.1.3) applies here to text nodes inserted dynamiclly.

[Bug 15558] New: Please allow color values with an alpha of 1.0 to be expressed using rgb() and not just the hex value. It is already supported by (at least) FF and Chrome. It's easier and more intuitive to programmatically manipulate three distinct decimal values.

[Bug 15558] Please allow color values with an alpha of 1.0 to be expressed using rgb() and not just the hex value. It is already supported by (at least) FF and Chrome. It's easier and more intuitive to programmatically manipulate three distinct decimal values.

[Bug 15559] Bad value category tag for attribute rel on element a: Keyword category is not registered

[Bug 15559] New: Bad value category tag for attribute rel on element a: Keyword category is not registered

[Bug 15560] Failed to parse QName 'http-equiv:'

[Bug 15560] New: Failed to parse QName 'http-equiv:'

[Bug 15561] New: Using content: open-quote to style <q> elements causes browsers to omit the quotes from copies of the text. It'd be nice to find a way to mark up quotes and also let them be copied.

[Bug 15561] Using content: open-quote to style <q> elements causes browsers to omit the quotes from copies of the text. It'd be nice to find a way to mark up quotes and also let them be copied.

[Bug 15562] It's unfortunate that URLs in the manifest must have the same scheme as the manifest itself. This prohibits listing in a manifest that may be served over either http or https and prohibits p

[Bug 15562] New: It's unfortunate that URLs in the manifest must have the same scheme as the manifest itself. This prohibits listing in a manifest that may be served over either http or https and prohibits p

[Bug 15565] New: padding: 15px 0 10px 0; width: 100%; text-align: left; border: none

[Bug 15565] padding: 15px 0 10px 0; width: 100%; text-align: left; border: none

[Bug 15567] Fatal error: Access denied for user 'avroom2'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/content/90/5850290/html/Connections/localhost.php on line 9

[Bug 15567] New: Fatal error: Access denied for user 'avroom2'@'' (using password: YES) in /home/content/90/5850290/html/Connections/localhost.php on line 9

[Bug 15570] New: Would appreciate an id for the paragraph starting "The Document interface supports named properties."

[Bug 15582] <meta itemprop="name" content="" />

[Bug 15582] New: <meta itemprop="name" content="" />

[Bug 15585] New: what's about 2? or even "42"?

[Bug 15585] what's about 2? or even "42"?

[Bug 15586] Could you please add the following "guideline" to the description of how to properly use alternative text as a way to naturally represent the page both with and without images. I think that it would clarify what you are trying to say in several of the exa

[Bug 15586] New: Could you please add the following "guideline" to the description of how to properly use alternative text as a way to naturally represent the page both with and without images. I think that it would clarify what you are trying to say in several of the exa

[Bug 15587] New: UA should not bring the the indicated part of the document to the user's attention if that part is not being rendered. (FWIW, the "scroll to the fragment identifier" algorithm doesn't handle this, as long as the #top situation, at the moment.)

[Bug 15588] Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way.

[Bug 15588] New: Define the "top of the document" in a semantic way.

[Bug 15591] body { margin-top: 0px; background-image: url(images/meknunarka.jpg); } body,td,th { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 12px; } .baslik { color: #990000; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .icerik { font-family: A

[Bug 15591] New: body { margin-top: 0px; background-image: url(images/meknunarka.jpg); } body,td,th { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 12px; } .baslik { color: #990000; text-decoration: none; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; } .icerik { font-family: A

[Bug 15592] Feature Request: A javax.smartcardio alternative

[Bug 15592] New: Feature Request: A javax.smartcardio alternative

[Bug 15596] New: option.value IDL attribute should return |text| IDL attribute instead of |textContent| when no value is set

[Bug 15597] New: Nothing seems to say when contentDocument or contentWindow are null. It should say they're null if there's no nested browsing context, or similar.

[Bug 15597] Nothing seems to say when contentDocument or contentWindow are null. It should say they're null if there's no nested browsing context, or similar.

[Bug 15599] Document bug state for bugs escalated after time out

[Bug 15599] New: Document bug state for bugs escalated after time out

[Bug 15600] is true that HTML5 requires less power to render than java?

[Bug 15600] New: is true that HTML5 requires less power to render than java?

[Bug 15602] (editorial) The suggested quote style rules are now in the next section so this class="critical" block doesn't seem to make sense here.

[Bug 15602] New: (editorial) The suggested quote style rules are now in the next section so this class="critical" block doesn't seem to make sense here.

[Bug 15604] New: TextTrackCue.getCueAsHTML() incorrectly marked as mutable

[Bug 15606] <track> clarification of TextTrackCue.getCueAsHTML() conversion rules

[Bug 15606] clarification of TextTrackCue.getCueAsHTML() conversion rules

[Bug 15606] New: clarification of TextTrackCue.getCueAsHTML() conversion rules

[Bug 15607] New: WF2: Change accept="" to accept file extensions as well as MIME types (maybe based on whether they start with a period)

[Bug 15608] Canvas limitations

[Bug 15608] New: Canvas limitations

[Bug 15613] name, id missing. is autofocus still an attribute? it's not listed here.

[Bug 15613] New: name, id missing. is autofocus still an attribute? it's not listed here.

[Bug 15614] <meta name="Distribution" content="global" />

[Bug 15614] New: <meta name="Distribution" content="global" />

[Bug 15619] function incorporate_fragment(a){var c=/^(?:(?:[^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/;var b='';a.href.replace(c,function(d,g,h,f){var e,i;e=i=g+(h?'?'+h:'');if(f){f=f.replace(/^(!|%21)/,'');if(f.charAt(0)=='/')e=f.replace(/^\/

[Bug 15619] New: function incorporate_fragment(a){var c=/^(?:(?:[^:\/?#]+):)?(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?/;var b='';a.href.replace(c,function(d,g,h,f){var e,i;e=i=g+(h?'?'+h:'');if(f){f=f.replace(/^(!|%21)/,'');if(f.charAt(0)=='/')e=f.replace(/^\/

[Bug 15621] Date();i.setTime(;document.cookie="x-src="+encodeURIComponent(j)+"; "+"expires="+i.toGMTString()+";path=/; domain="+window.location.hostname.replace(/^.*(\.facebook\..*)$/i,'$1');}return h;}d.exports=g;}); __d("legacy:referrer-tracker",["t

[Bug 15621] New: Date();i.setTime(;document.cookie="x-src="+encodeURIComponent(j)+"; "+"expires="+i.toGMTString()+";path=/; domain="+window.location.hostname.replace(/^.*(\.facebook\..*)$/i,'$1');}return h;}d.exports=g;}); __d("legacy:referrer-tracker",["t

[Bug 15627] New: Xmpp missing from whitelist of URI schemes

[Bug 15630] New: update ORIGIN reference

[Bug 15633] "Telha Terracota Grafite"><img src="style/images/art/l4.jpg" alt="T…

[Bug 15633] New: "Telha Terracota Grafite"><img src="style/images/art/l4.jpg" alt="T…

[Bug 15634] I think the last sentence should be "If the comment was started by the end of the file (EOF) or (>), the token is empty."

[Bug 15634] New: I think the last sentence should be "If the comment was started by the end of the file (EOF) or (>), the token is empty."

[Bug 15635] Hello, This is the text book for world people who are doing.

[Bug 15635] New: Hello, This is the text book for world people who are doing.

[Bug 15636] I'm Sorry. This is the first time using. This is section interesting. checking for html5 standards

[Bug 15636] New: I'm Sorry. This is the first time using. This is section interesting. checking for html5 standards

[Bug 15638] New: what to do to check the browser's html5 compatibility

[Bug 15638] what to do to check the browser's html5 compatibility

[Bug 15645] New: Problem: Changing the state of a <select multiple> element from *contains one or more selected options* to *contains zero remaining selected options* doesn't communicate the change of state to the form processor since the select element is changed to "emp

[Bug 15668] Certain localities have weeks starting with sunday, others use monday. Browsers should keep this in mind.

[Bug 15668] New: Certain localities have weeks starting with sunday, others use monday. Browsers should keep this in mind.

[Bug 15669] New: xmlns=""><div class="starIcon"/><div class="mctc_nameAndOnline"><span class="mctc_name">Настя Задорожная</span> <span style="display: inline-block; margin-bottom: 5px;"><span class="mctc_infoContainer_not_block"><span>26 лет</s

[Bug 15670] New: Specify the behavior when a dangling <section> is encountered.

[Bug 15670] Specify the behavior when a dangling <section> is encountered.

[Bug 15673] input defualt type

[Bug 15673] New: input defualt type

[Bug 15674] New: Minor typo: var sfx = new Audio('sfx.wav'); var sounds = a.addTextTrack('metadata'); should (I think!) be var sfx = new Audio('sfx.wav'); var sounds = sfx.addTextTrack('metadata');

[Bug 15682] New: <fieldset> <legend>Mail Account</legend> <p><label>Name: <input type="text" name="fullname" placeholder="John Ratzenberger"></label></p> <p><label>Address: <input type="email" name="address" placeholder=""></label></p> <p><label>Passwo

[Bug 15683] It is very tedious and almost impossible to properly display poetry that is typographically metered, specially in Arabic since it needs strict typographical alignments. The fact that Arabic readers almost always come across poetry on daily bases as they b

[Bug 15683] New: It is very tedious and almost impossible to properly display poetry that is typographically metered, specially in Arabic since it needs strict typographical alignments. The fact that Arabic readers almost always come across poetry on daily bases as they b

[Bug 15684] [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 15684] New: [URL] Replacing backslash with forward slash in URIs doesn't seem to be necessitated by web compat

[Bug 15685] New: This does not clearly describe how browsers treat noscript. When scripting is enabled, noscript's contents are escaped, such that less-then, greater-then and ampersands are escaped. Essentially, it is not that noscript can only contain text when scripting

[Bug 15685] This does not clearly describe how browsers treat noscript. When scripting is enabled, noscript's contents are escaped, such that less-then, greater-then and ampersands are escaped. Essentially, it is not that noscript can only contain text when scripting

[Bug 15694] New: interface Function -> "callback Function = any(any... arguments);"

[Bug 15696] New: It's unclear how there can be "content inside wbr elements"

[Bug 15700] appcache: Prevent sensitive data from being cached

[Bug 15700] New: appcache: Prevent sensitive data from being cached

[Bug 15701] New: text "if none of the ancestors" is presumably not exactly correct

[Bug 15703] ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group

[Bug 15703] New: ":required" pseudo selector for a radio button group

[Bug 15704] HTMLFormElement::elements broken for forms outside a document

[Bug 15704] HTMLFormElement::elements is not compatible with existing UAs

[Bug 15704] New: HTMLFormElement::elements is not compatible with existing UAs

[Bug 15705] New: There is already a perfectly good standard for datetimes: ISO 8601. Why are you reinventing something that works?

[Bug 15705] There is already a perfectly good standard for datetimes: ISO 8601. Why are you reinventing something that works?

[Bug 15706] New: "When an xml:base attribute changes" - should probably use "set, changed or removed" language like elsewhere in the spec

[Bug 15707] New: "When a document's document base URL changes" - removing a <base> doesn't immediately change the document base URL, since the algo that sets it doesn't run until a URL gets resolved.

[Bug 15718] New: Need to decide if URLs can ever fail to parse

[Bug 15723] Need attribute to abbr to specify semantic type of abbreviation

[Bug 15723] New: There needs to be a way to indicate what type of abbreviation is wrapped in an abbr element. The problem I am trying to solve: Proper indication to screen readers of the type of abbreviation so that the screen reader does not have to guess at what it shou

[Bug 15727] hai ik bn hai

[Bug 15727] New: hai ik bn hai

[Bug 15730] New: Suggestion: Introduce "content" element

[Bug 15730] Suggestion: Introduce "content" element

[Bug 15751] New: Missing "be" in "For each article element, there must no more than one time element with a pubdate attribute whose nearest ancestor is that article element."

[Bug 15752] base.href shouldn't reflect the content attribute normally. It needs to be resolved against the document's URI *before* <base> is applied; otherwise "foo/" resolves to "http://whatever/foo/foo/" instead of "http://whatever/foo/".

[Bug 15752] New: base.href shouldn't reflect the content attribute normally. It needs to be resolved against the document's URI *before* <base> is applied; otherwise "foo/" resolves to "http://whatever/foo/foo/" instead of "http://whatever/foo/".

[Bug 15753] <meta name="language" content="es"/>

[Bug 15753] New: <meta name="language" content="es"/>

[Bug 15754] <meta name="language" content="es"/>

[Bug 15754] New: <meta name="language" content="es"/>

[Bug 15759] addTextTrack() in example, but addTrack() in Chrome implementation, at least

[Bug 15759] Chrome implementation (at least) now has addTrack() not addTextTrack()

[Bug 15759] New: I noticed that in Chrome's implementation, at least, addTextTrack() is now addTrack()

[Bug 15760] In example: a.addTextTrack('metadata') should be sfx.addTextTrack('metadata')

[Bug 15760] New: Looks like a.addTextTrack('metadata') should be sfx.addTextTrack('metadata')

[Bug 15761] New: Incorrect description of the name attribute for the form element

[Bug 15765] Replaceable interface

[Bug 15767] New: @hidden sections should be excluded from the outline (or a note should be added, that hidden sections are included). The same goes for hidden headings of sections that are not hidden.

[Bug 15769] New: Section should clarify whether |download| attribute is boolean or not (i.e., is the minimum form |<a download>| or |<a download="">|?)

[Bug 15769] Section should clarify whether |download| attribute is boolean or not (i.e., is the minimum form |<a download>| or |<a download="">|?)

[Bug 15770] New: s/besty/best/

[Bug 15771] New: appcache: avoid out-of-sync situations or cache busting when using appcache with non-sticky load balancers

[Bug 15785] New: This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the most recently formally published revision of this technical report can be found in t

[Bug 15785] This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the most recently formally published revision of this technical report can be found in t

[Bug 15786] "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesn’t cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words

[Bug 15786] "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesn’t cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words in English prose

[Bug 15786] New: "an idiomatic phrase from another language" doesn’t cover non-idiomatic transliterated foreign words in English prose

[Bug 15787] New: source code for this

[Bug 15787] source code for this

[Bug 15806] "cloning steps used by tat algorithm" => "cloning steps used by t<ins>h</ins>at algorithm"

[Bug 15806] New: "cloning steps used by tat algorithm" => "cloning steps used by t<ins>h</ins>at algorithm"

[Bug 15809] ".... The root element of this tree is the html element..." DOM Trees have nodes not elementes. HTML documents have elements and text.

[Bug 15809] New: ".... The root element of this tree is the html element..." DOM Trees have nodes not elementes. HTML documents have elements and text.

[Bug 15812] New: this is wrong?

[Bug 15812] this is wrong?

[Bug 15821] New: The text about the scoped attribute and @font-face makes no sense

[Bug 7601] refer to pronunciations for TTS PLS with link rel value "pronunciation"

[Bug 8000] ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5

[Bug 8171] Implement the text alternatives proposal from WAI

[Bug 8645] Alt text for images

[Bug 8673] Restriction on command element as part of a menu

[Bug 8827] Inappropriate spec text and advice where images are not known

[Bug 8885] Fallback mechanism for embedded content

[Bug 9098] Correct the img element definition. Replace with suggested text.

[Bug 9326] HTML elements mapping to ARIA and A11y APIs

[Bug 9442] table[align=abscenter], table[align=absmiddle], table[align=middle] do not seem to be required; AFAICT, only Gecko quirks mode supports them

[Bug 9876] Clarify that a figure can be any content with a caption

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 2012 23:58:23 UTC