from September 2012 by subject

[TED-Talk] Rachel Botsman: The currency of the new economy is trust

ActivityPump API

Dialback authentication

Digital Backyards

Fwd: Tent Hosting at

Meeting in October 2012

Needz - a new classified service with federation

OStatus on Hacker News

R: ActivityPump API

R: Needz - a new classified service with federation

R: R: ActivityPump API

R: Websockets

RFC: (protocol for social networking)

Survey on Community and Business Group Experience [reminder]

Tent Hosting at

The "polyglot" approach to fedsocweb

The Venn of Social

TPAC 2012 meeting RWW, WebID and SocialWeb

TPAC Lyon meeting for WebID, RWW & Social Web community groups


Last message date: Saturday, 29 September 2012 09:08:05 UTC