Re: RFC: (protocol for social networking)

On 24 September 2012 10:25, Daniel Harris <> wrote:

> Is anyone aware of ? What are your thoughts?

Really like it.  This is the kind of solution that has been advocated by
people like Tim Berners-Lee for some time.  Main difference is that tent
uses http urls to describe a user.

They also have put a lot of work into the message and documentation.

> Tent looks really interesting in it's solution: "Tent is a protocol for
> social networking. Tent is open, decentralized, and built for the future."

Most of the FSW projects use the newly proposed acct: scheme to describe a
user, and relies on webfinger.  HTTP is proven over 2 decades and mature,
acct: is relatively untested, indeed, it's not even an IETF approved scheme
yet.  Not saying it's *bad* but definitely living on the bleeding edge,
with a smaller network effect.

> Does it play nice with current technology?

It's only version 0.1 but shows promise for now.  Let's see if they try and
interop with anything other than themselves, which is the acid test, imho.

> Can it be integrated with the FedSocWeb solutions we've talked about on
> this list?

Theoretically possible.  But these things can take time.

> Are there other people with similar approaches?

Sure, FOAF has been using a simiar approach (http as identity) for over 10
years with mixed success, and has about 100 million profiles.  In fact many
FSW projects support a baseline FOAF.

Facebook uses a similar approach with the open graph, but have really
mastered authentication and a permissioned application framework

We're also working on some solutions in the read write web community group

Hopefully in the long term all the solutions that stick around, will try to
talk to each other ...

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 08:42:26 UTC