from October 2013 by subject

2nd CfP (deadline 31 Oct) Math. in Comp. Sci. Special Issue 'Enabling Domain Experts to use Formalised Reasoning'

[FYI] Validation rules for SKOS mapping

ANN: ONKI Light 0.1, a SKOS vocabulary publishing tool

conceptGroups in iso-thes

Custom properties for no SPARQL LOD scenario

Final Invitation - NISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector Administration

FINAL INVITATION: Classification & Visualization, 24-25 October, The Hague

French translation of SKOS Reference available

NISO/DCMI Webinar: Metadata for Public Sector Administration

Published a new version of the free, portable and open source Thesaurus and Document Management System OpenProdoc

SKOS exactMatch Inclusion - a question concerning ISSUE75

URI namespace for iso-thes?

Last message date: Tuesday, 29 October 2013 21:51:42 UTC