from March 2019 by subject

DPVCG telcon postponed to *next week* (19 Mar)

dpvcg-ACTION-34 more/alternate data categories from Panoptykon

dpvcg-ACTION-66: Look into structuring processing categories, ramisa, bud, eva to help/review.

dpvcg-ACTION-68: consent elements

dpvcg-ACTION-73: Polish the minutes from last call.

dpvcg-ACTION-74: Polish the minutes from last call.

dpvcg-ACTION-75: Send information about dublin: hotels, transport, etc. for f2f

dpvcg-ACTION-76: Map all closed and pending review actions to the respective edoitors/responsibles of parts ofg our taxonomy.

dpvcg-ACTION-77: Set up a doodle to collect points and actions to be discussed at the f2f (and possibly name someone present willing to present/discuss there)?

Dudle for ftf

ISSUE-11: Taxonomies on storrage locations and restrictions as well as security measues and restrictions still undefined.

No telcon today

regrets for today's DPVCG call

Reminder: DPVCG call today

URGENT: F2F meeting Dublin or Vienna? 4&5th

Vienna meeting and next Telecon (was: Re: No telcon today)

W3C TPAC 2019 - Will your Community Group meet in Fukuoka?

With regard to storage periods and Action No. 60

Last message date: Friday, 29 March 2019 21:09:50 UTC