dpvcg-ACTION-34 more/alternate data categories from Panoptykon

Dear All,

I found an infographic about data categories associated with digital 
They are available under CC-by-SA (share-alike) - which is not 
compatible with CC-by.

While I do not think we need those categories per-se, the categorisation 
is of interest to us: a) what you share b) what your behaviour tell them 
c) what the machine thinks about you



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:  Re: License to use "three-layers of digital identity" categories
Date:  Fri, 22 Mar 2019 10:49:08 +0100
From:  Fundacja Panoptykon <fundacja@panoptykon.org>
To:  Harshvardhan J. Pandit <harshvardhan.pandit@adaptcentre.ie>


Our content is published under CC BY SA license. You are free to
published and re-design it as you wish, you do not need our approval.
You may inform that your project was based on the original graph by
Panoptykon Foundation (panoptykon.org).

Best regards,
Justyna Dywańska

W dniu 20.03.2019 o 17:51, Harshvardhan J. Pandit pisze:
> Hello,
> I wish to reuse the categories presented in the "Three Layers of Digital
> Identity"
> (https://en.panoptykon.org/articles/three-layers-your-digital-identity)
> diagram for academic/research purposes.
> Could you specify the license/terms under which these can be re-used?
> I would be happy to have a permissive license such as CC-by (where I
> would cite the article as the source of categories)
> Info about me and my work:
> I'm a Phd Researcher at ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin. I'm
> working with the Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group
> (DPVCG) where we are trying to come up with a taxonomy of personal data
> categories. Your work on the categories would be a helpful to have as
> part of this.
> Thank you,

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www: panoptykon.org

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Received on Friday, 22 March 2019 13:59:20 UTC