Axel Polleres
Bert Bos
Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group Issue Tracker
- dpvcg-ACTION-122: Send a pull request to harsh_ with minor fixes (typos, full names) (Tuesday, 18 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-121: Clean up/restructure the github repository according to today's agreement. (Tuesday, 18 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-120: Update the document according to today's agreement. (Tuesday, 18 June)
- ISSUE-27: Discuss accompanying primer document (Tuesday, 18 June)
- ISSUE-26: Describe use-cases and examples showing how the vocabulary should be or can be used (Tuesday, 18 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-119: Review draft spec to be sent by harsh later this week. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-118: Review draft spec to be sent by harsh later this week. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-117: Review draft spec to be sent by harsh later this week. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-116: Review draft spec to be sent by harsh later this week. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- ISSUE-25: Should we explicitly note that the the controller is always a recipient of the data, if not, do we need to make this explicit inth vocabulary, by declaring it? (Tuesday, 4 June)
- ISSUE-24: Should we add more specific subclasses like countryofcitizenship, countryofresidence, countryofcurrentlocation to country and which ones? (Tuesday, 4 June)
- ISSUE-23: Should we add more subclasses to communicationrecording (e.g. distinguishing chats, personalmessaging, videocommunication, telephony, etc.) and which ones? (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-115: Sends out an email with pointer to the reviewable spec and rdf files by the end of the week to the list for insternal review. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-114: Make a concrete proposal along specification of data controller categories by sector in the spec. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- ISSUE-22: We ask for particular feedback on whether and how to extend the list/taxonomy of controllers and recipients in the current vocabulary. (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-113: Together with harsh check comments in spreadsheets (drive-comments and 'comments' column) and how they are reflected in the generated spec (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-112: Review spec and reflection of issues in the spec on next tue (Tuesday, 4 June)
- dpvcg-ACTION-111: Generate the separate rdf files per namespace. (Tuesday, 4 June)
Harshvardhan J. Pandit
Kiesling, Elmar
Mark @ OC
Ramisa Hamed
Rob Brennan
Last message date: Tuesday, 25 June 2019 12:48:24 UTC