Re: formal vote to publish draft?

Hi Axel,

We agreed to publish it after addressing the few actions item (and 
comments) from today's minutes.

(1) Elmar or Fajar found a few typos to fix + correction in name/attribution

(2) Comment regarding how to submit feedback + timeframe (end of July)

(3) Create separate repository for DPV on Github

I've just finished work on (2) and (3), and am waiting for (1) from 
Elmar before asking Bert to upload it to - once that's done, we 
have a formal publication online.

After which, we discussed if one of the chairs could send it to the 
semantic web mailing list (or publish it somewhere) so as to officially 
announce the vocabulary - and inviting everyone to further disseminate it.



On 18/06/2019 17:23, Axel Polleres wrote:
> Dear all,
> My regrets again for not being able to join today's call.
> As there is no formal resolution in the minutes, it is not clear to me from the minutes whether it was agreed to publish and when?
> Can someone who was on the call report back?
> Thanks,
> Axel
> --
> Prof. Dr. Axel Polleres
> Institute for Information Business, WU Vienna
> url:  twitter: @AxelPolleres
Harshvardhan Pandit
PhD Researcher
ADAPT Centre
Trinity College Dublin

Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2019 17:04:38 UTC