[admin] Agenda - DAP Distributed Meeting 18 February 2016
[admin] Agenda - DAP Distributed Meeting 4 February 2016
[admin] Draft Minutes from 2016-02-04 DAP teleconference
[battery] getBattery() test case feedback
[battery] implementation testing report
[battery] Which events are to be fired when (un)plug in a charger?
- Zhang, Zhiqiang (Wednesday, 17 February)
- Zhang, Zhiqiang (Tuesday, 16 February)
- Zhang, Zhiqiang (Tuesday, 16 February)
- Tobie Langel (Wednesday, 10 February)
- Kostiainen, Anssi (Wednesday, 10 February)
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Tuesday, 2 February)
- Kostiainen, Anssi (Tuesday, 2 February)
- Kostiainen, Anssi (Tuesday, 2 February)
[sensors] Add a section on how sensors are implemented
[sensors] Conformance requirements for concrete specs
[sensors] constructor of "Abstract" Sensor
[sensors] Define behavior when visibilityState != "visible"
[sensors] Discreet sensors must fire an event with their current state on instantiation
[sensors] Identify the lower level primitives that do the actual sensor polling.
[sensors] No way to express an abstract constructor in WebIDL
[sensors] Provide a way of tying sensor requests to animation frames
[sensors] sensorId : how are they named
[vibration] privacy consideration PING comments
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Monday, 29 February)
- David Singer (Monday, 29 February)
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Monday, 29 February)
- Joseph Lorenzo Hall (Monday, 29 February)
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Monday, 29 February)
- David Singer (Monday, 29 February)
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Monday, 29 February)
- David (Standards) Singer (Monday, 29 February)
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Saturday, 27 February)
- Chaals McCathie Nevile (Saturday, 27 February)
- Lukasz Olejnik (W3C) (Saturday, 27 February)
- Frederick Hirsch (Friday, 26 February)
[vibration] Returning false if vibration hardware is not present?
[vibration] Suggested changes for the Rec errata and Proposed Edited Rec
[workmode] Forwarding GitHub Issue comments to the list considered harmful?
Closed: [sensors] Add a section on how sensors are implemented
Closed: [sensors] Clarify terminology
Closed: [sensors] Conformance requirements for concrete specs
Closed: [sensors] constructor of "Abstract" Sensor
Closed: [sensors] Define inantiation behavior in non top-level browsing contexts
Closed: [sensors] Identify the lower level primitives that do the actual sensor polling.
Closed: [sensors] No way to express an abstract constructor in WebIDL
Closed: [sensors] sensorId : how are they named
DAP-ACTION-743: Discuss with tobie how to generate report showing issues reported by others and how resolved
DAP-ACTION-744: Clarify battery test report , removing or explaining yellow at bottom of report
DAP-ACTION-745: Request review of anssi update of vibration from wg and ping (pull request version)
DAP-ISSUE-171: Returning false if vibration hardware is not present or using hasVibration? (prefer promises) [Vibration API]
Draft Minutes 2016-02-18 teleconference
Privacy call on Thursday 25 Feb at UTC 17 including Vibration API in agenda
Wake Lock implementation in Mozilla Firefox
Last message date: Monday, 29 February 2016 22:04:19 UTC