[CFP] 25th International Conference on Conceptual Structures (ICCS,2020) at Bolzano Summer of Knowledge, Italy
[PragmaticWeb] Status
abstract submitted, Handbook and a call?
AI/KR Org Directory
AIKR Plan, Deliverables, Roles & Prospective Paper at IAC Conference in Arlington, Virginia
Blue Brain
can ai learn a language
co-chairs statements and invitation to members to share their stuff
deepfake s bot
First Deliverable, Outline and Draft
importing a list of references to Zotero
kr for egov lit rev
literature search on AI KR using AI
Mike's book - penny dropped and KR textbooks
organizing threads, emails and discussions of the W3 AIKR CG mailing list
Paper and talk in 2020, Arlington
Paper and talk in 2020, Arlington and reminder tor co chairs statements
Questions for Vinay Chaudhri
reproducibility checklist for Max bot and others
shared AI KR as Best Practice with AI Alliance
welcome new members and KRNS IARPA
Last message date: Tuesday, 31 December 2019 03:44:50 UTC