co-chairs statements and invitation to members to share their stuff

Milton, Carl and anyone else who may be interested possibly in the future-

I think I have already circulated this request but here it is again:

Please enter your statement (of what you propose to do as co-chair) in the

 and kindly ensure that your statement
*is in line what needs to be done*, possibly in some measurable way in
terms of actions or deliverebles
(say the co-chair commites to engage more members in such and such
activity, or write one page, represent the group in one meeting, give one
talk, engage with one community etc)

What needs to be done is more or less outlined in the same page but of
course you are welcome to edit
that list and add your own points

This is to ensure that  the contribution of the cochair to the planned work
is to some extent agreed and explicitly stated as a form of agreement with
the current proposed action, and as a commitment to the group
Ideally the co chair mission would build on and expand what is currentl
being done by the Chair

If someone has done work in relation to this CG goal and mission, please
share what you are working on via the list and enter it in the wiki,
possibly requesting input and collaboration from other community members?


Received on Saturday, 21 December 2019 04:23:07 UTC