w3c-ietf-xmldsig@w3.org from January to March 2004 by subject

^_^ meay-meay!

a//self::a ???

Canonicalization, XAdES

Descendant vs //

Extreme Markup Languages Conference 2004

FWD: I-D ACTION:draft-eastlake-xmldsig-uri-05.txt

how to calculate DigestValue

IETF side of XMLDSIG WG Shutting Down

Launch of the Security Plugtests Registration

Model ships ......diferent conception.....beautiful !

Model ships ....New art decoration....beautiful !

New Release 0.12 of NeuClear XMLSig library for Dom4j

Please Join My Superb Yahoo Forums!

RDF of XML Sig

SETCCE's XSign interoperability results

Shouldn't the XMLDSig XPath here function be defined in a separate namespace?


Signing external data without URL


WG Action: Conclusion of XML Digital Signatures (xmldsig)

WG: XAdES - More secure than XML Dsig?

XAdES - More secure than XML Dsig?

XAdES TimeStamping implementation

XAdES: URL for plugtest final report

XML Signature toolkit for Windows

You Are Invited!

Your comments on the Character Model [C035]

Your Ship Has Come In! This Time You Are Not At The Airport!


Last message date: Friday, 26 March 2004 15:26:18 UTC