from November 2006 by subject

11-16-06 HCLS TC Zakim minutes + URLS

11-3-06 HCLS-DSE minutes

[Fwd: Re: OBO-OWL]

[HCLS-ACPP] No ACPP Tcon today, Nov. 8

[HCLS-ACPP] Tcon Today, Nov. 1, 3:00-4:00pm ET (20:00-21:00 UTC)

[HCLS-ACPP] Tcon Today, Nov. 15, 3:00-4:00pm ET (20:00-21:00 UTC)

[HCLS-ACPP] Tcon today, Nov. 29, 3:00-4:00 EST

[public-semweb-lifesci] <none>

Berkeley DB is a non-relational high-performance system/paradigm - anyone looked at it?

Bio2RDF to go, rdfizer for bioinformatic using Sesame is made available on sourceforge

BioRDF [Telcon]

Both OWL and RDF

CANCELLED: HCLSig Nov 9, 2006 Teleconference Agenda

CfP: Applied Ontology - MetaOntology Issue: Biomedical Ontologies

companies looking for semantic web skills?

CORRECTED: HCLSig Nov 16, 2006 Teleconference - Intended to be on a Thurs

Deadline Extension - DCCA2007

DSE-HCLS 11-17-06 TC Notes

Exploratory workshop: Connecting BioPAX to other Biomedical Ontologies

FYI - Support for OWL 1.1 in OWL tools....

FYI For those in the Boston area (or within / willing to travel) This Saturday Dec 2nd.

Gene Ontology

HCLS ISWC Workshop followup

HCLS TC Minutes 30 November 2006

HCLSig Nov 15, 2006 Teleconference - Really intended to be on a Wed?

HCLSig Nov 16, 2006 Teleconference

HCLSig Nov 30, 2006 Teleconference

Interesting Blog: Why Semantic Web Research is not working?

Minutes 11-16-06 HCLS teleconference

Minutes 11-16-06 HCLS teleconference (small correction)

Minutes of the BioRDF Telcon from 13. Nov 2006

NIH Request for Information (RFI): To Solicit Input and Ideas for Roadmap Trans-NIH Strategic Initiatives


OWL without RDF

Parkinson Disease Management Guidelines and Protocols: Bedside story for the HCLS Demo

Parkinson's KB by Amarnath Gupta

Please help with tumor suppressor information

Preliminary CFP: RR2007 - The First International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems

Semantic Web News

SEMANTICS 2006, 28th - 30th Nov. 2006 - Event Reminder

Task Force on Drug Safety and Efficacy

Last message date: Thursday, 30 November 2006 22:41:33 UTC