Please help with tumor suppressor information

I gathered some (bit random) information about tumor suppressor genes 
and proteins and organized them under categories in Annotea Ubimarks.

In the middle of my organization process I published the file and 
selected parts of the resulting bookmark file can be seen in html (with 
xslt transformation) in

Naturally this information can also be viewed with the Annotea Ubimarks 
Firefox plugin that I used to create it (I'm just in a process of 
creating a new version for Firefox 2.0).

In addition to the hierarchy view I also have a faceted view where the 
facets can be dynamically selected e.g.
This still needs a bit polishing too.

Anyway, it would be very helpful to get some feedback and suggestions of 
how life science researchers working on different domains actually would 
like to organize the information and if they have some great links they 
would like to add to this bookmark file. Note that this information 
offers an easy way to organize and find the information and share the 
organizations with others. Other additional and more detailed 
information is offered in the actual information sources and can be 
combined with the bookmark and topic information.


Received on Friday, 3 November 2006 03:26:50 UTC