[public-semweb-lifesci] <none>


I'm PhD student and my current work objective is to use SW technologies in
order to enhance controlled drug safety vocabularies and make them evolve. 
I'm interested in the work of the "Task Force on Drug Safety and Efficacy".
I was wondering about its activity and ambitions for the future …most of all
in pharmacovigilance related issues.

Is there any way to get involved in this ? 


PS: sorry for eventual duble posting.
Iulian Alecu 
Doctorant /PhD Student
Laboratoire SPIM 
15, rue de l’école de Médecine 
75006 PARIS 
Tél : (+33 /0)1 53 10 92 12 
Fax : (+33 /0)1 53 10 92 01 

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2006 01:25:00 UTC