from January to March 2015 by subject

[Bug 20019] Support subclassing ES6 Map

[Bug 20361] Grammar is wrong for serializers

[Bug 20535] consider removing indexed property setters, creators and deleters

[Bug 22808] Throw if object is constructed without new

[Bug 22858] use @@hasInstance instead of [[HasInstance]]

[Bug 23133] Hook up interface object proto chains as if they were ES6 classes

[Bug 23682] Fix the current [ArrayClass], [] and sequence<T> mess

[Bug 25025] Named creators with [OverrideBuiltins] don't work right as the spec is written now

[Bug 25312] allow trailing commas on enums

[Bug 26521] [[GetOwnProperty]] behavior for named properties is not web-compatible

[Bug 27062] DOMException constructor should allow name to be supplied

[Bug 27317] Provide explicit guidance on enum value naming

[Bug 27553] Support Symbol

[Bug 27701] Enum should be allowed to end with comma

[Bug 27732] New: DOMException lost some constants.

[Bug 27749] "DOMException constructor object" as IDL

[Bug 27749] New: "DOMException constructor object" as IDL

[Bug 27822] Define the [[Prototype]] of the interface object of an interface whose parent has NoInterfaceObject

[Bug 27822] New: Define the [[Prototype]] of the interface object of an interface whose parent has NoInterfaceObject

[Bug 27874] Microtasks and callbacks run from a queued task

[Bug 27874] New: Microtasks and callbacks run from a queued task

[Bug 27905] /I/ in the definition of attribute setter is poorly defined

[Bug 27905] New: /I/ in the definition of attribute setter is poorly defined

[Bug 27906] New: "If validThis is false, then return."

[Bug 27953] Dictionaries with required properties shouldn't need to be optional

[Bug 27953] New: Dictionaries with required properties shouldn't need to be optional

[Bug 27988] Get rid of the separate concepts of "setters" and "creators"

[Bug 27988] New: Get rid of the separate concepts of "setters" and "creators"

[Bug 27995] New: Consider adding some sort of shorthand for resolving a promise with an IDL value

[Bug 28057] New: Support Promise subclass

[Bug 28065] New: WebIDL: Grammar for readonly requires 2 token lookahead in some cases

[Bug 28124] New: Issues in 4.5.11 (Maplike) and 4.5.12 (Setlike)

[Bug 28244] New: Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications

[Bug 28244] Requiring @@toStringTag on instances may have performance implications

[Bug 28328] New: Bad color contrast for code in note

[geometry] Dictionary argument for DOMQuad constructor

A new hack for singleton objects

Allow partial enums in return values?

Cancelable promises

Cancellation architectural observations

classes and enumerability

Creating entangled objects

Defining a [[Set]] internal method for platform objects

Eclipse based Web IDL IDE

Figuring out the behavior of WindowProxy in the face of non-configurable properties

Getting rid of the separate concepts of setters and creators

Global method calls

Idiomatic representation of { buffer, bytesRead }

Interaction of named properties and own properties in the [OverrideBuiltins] case seems weird

Web IDL maplike: Allow spec prose to specify how key-type should be compared?

WebIDL - passing undefined as optional nullable param

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 2015 11:55:00 UTC