from November 2003 by subject

[w3 i18n geo] Q&A: Setting Encoding in Web Authoring Applica tion s

[w3 i18n geo] Q&A: Setting Encoding in Web Authoring Application s

AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2003-11-05 at 19:00 UTC, 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern, 19:00 UK, 20:00 France, 6am Australia (next day!)

AGENDA: I18N GEO TF telcon, 2003-11-26 at 19:00 UTC, 11am Pacific, 2pm Eastern, 19:00 UK, 20:00 France, 6am Australia (next day!)


BBCi Web Devt Guidelines

BOM or Signature

helios textpad

helios textpad and unicode

I propose we cancel the mtg for this week

JSP containers and default charset (was: Re DefaultCharset considered harmful)

Minutes: GEO telecon 20031029

New FAQ: Global Gateway

New FAQ: Removing UTF-8 BOM

New FAQ: Setting encoding in web authoring applications

New version of: Removing UTF-8 BOM posted

New version of: Setting encoding in web authoring application s

New version of: Setting encoding in web authoring applications

Opening files in Notepad with/without UTF-8 signature


utf8 bom FAQ: lets publish this week

Last message date: Sunday, 30 November 2003 22:14:34 UTC