Online validator problem - empty values accepted
Lexical representation of xsd:decimal and xsd:integer
extending xs:anyType (SQC bug)
inconsistent results
RE: decimal and the totalDigits facet
xs:decimal and the totalDigits facet
XSV 2.10 IDC-XPath problem when using "child::"
- Re: XSV 2.10 IDC-XPath problem when using "child::"
- Re: XSV 2.10 IDC-XPath problem when using "child::"
Empty attributes
choice attributeGroup
max occurs
Re: Sandy Gao
FW: Complex type restriction question
min occurs
Re:min occurs
Re: [ Possible Spam ] RE: [Fwd: Extending RSS 2.0]
Any element with specific attributes and children
- RE: Any element with specific attributes and children
- Re: Any element with specific attributes and children
- Re: Any element with specific attributes and children
XML Schema to C converter
Scope of keyref identity constraints (Xerces-J bug)
[ANN] xnsdoc 1.0 - XML Schema documentation generator
SV: SV: SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
New type of mapping (binding) for XML Schema
[ANN] xsd - a W3C XML Schema to C++ translator
[Ann] LMX - XSD to C++ data binding compiler
RE: unhandled cos-all-limited 1.2
Re: SV: SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
Beta Version: An XML view of a relational database defined by an XML schema
SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
Re: unhandled cos-all-limited 1.2
strict validation of any ##other namespace
[Fwd: Extending RSS 2.0]
Advice, please: Restricting wild cards in anonymous types
- Re: Advice, please: Restricting wild cards in anonymous types
- RE: Advice, please: Restricting wild cards in anonymous types