[ Possible Spam ] RE: [Fwd: Extending RSS 2.0]
[Ann] LMX - XSD to C++ data binding compiler
[ANN] xnsdoc 1.0 - XML Schema documentation generator
[ANN] xsd - a W3C XML Schema to C++ translator
[Fwd: Extending RSS 2.0]
Advice, please: Restricting wild cards in anonymous types
ANNOUNCEMENT: Altova SchemaAgent 2006
Any element with specific attributes and children
Beta Version: An XML view of a relational database defined by an XML schema
Chameleon includes and wildcard intersections
Chameleon includes with no targetNamespace imports
choice attributeGroup
Complex type restriction question
decimal and the totalDigits facet
Empty attributes
extending xs:anyType (SQC bug)
How to enable DOM parser use the Schema to validate an XML Document
inconsistent results
Lexical representation of xsd:decimal and xsd:integer
max occurs
Migration from DTD to XSchema
min occurs
New type of mapping (binding) for XML Schema
NIST's XML Schema and Instance Validation Web Services
Online validator problem - empty values accepted
Sandy Gao
Scope of keyref identity constraints (Xerces-J bug)
strict validation of any ##other namespace
SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
SV: SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
SV: SV: SV: strict validation of any ##other namespace
unhandled cos-all-limited 1.2
Web Based XSV Failure
XML Schema to C converter
XML Schema validator
xs:decimal and the totalDigits facet
XSV 2.10 IDC-XPath problem when using "child::"
Last message date: Saturday, 29 October 2005 15:22:02 UTC