www-rdf-logic@w3.org from March 2001 by subject

"Is a Property a Class" and other DAML questions

[RDF] Re: Comments on N3 and its use for writing rules

Aside - Re: Question: DAML cardinality restrictions

CFP E- Business & the Intelligent Web **extended deadline**

CFP: International Semantic Web Workshop (Infrastructure and Applications for the Semantic Web)

CFP: Workshop on Ontologies at KI 2001

Comments on N3 and its use for writing rules

DAML+OIL (March 2001) released

DAML+OIL (March 2001) released: a correction


DAML+OIL for queries

Datalog With Only Binary Relations Is Too Weak

Description Logics (DL2001) CFP - Deadline april 16, 2001

expressing scope of negation of failure (wasRe: Open Worlds, Distribution, Delegation, Federation, Logic, NI )

function terms in Euler, n3, and RDF [was: gedcom-relati

function terms in Euler, n3, and RDF [was: gedcom-relation e

function terms in Euler, n3, and RDF [was: gedcom-relation example]

Functional-Logic RDF [was: function terms in Euler, n3, and

gedcom-relation example

KIF Axioms of Restriction

Last CFP: Agents 2001 Workshop on Ontologies in Agent Systems

need information.

numerals aren't numbers; they're related to numbers

Open Worlds, Distribution, Delegation, Federation, Logic

Open Worlds, Distribution, Delegation, Federation, Logic, NI

Open Worlds, Distribution, Delegation, Federation, Logic, NILE, etc

Question: DAML cardinality restrictions

rdf:value backwards


RDFSuite website announcement

Semantic Web Mining

Spec doesn't talk about two-valued relationships

Uniqueness of Skolemization?

Where DAML+OIL deviates from the RDF-Schema spec.

XML Schema: Formal Description is now published (fwd)

Last message date: Saturday, 31 March 2001 11:47:22 UTC