Re: Where DAML+OIL deviates from the RDF-Schema spec.

I think we all agree that < and <=  style of subProperty are both consistent
reasonable terms.

> Your view is perfectly logical, as is that x1 <= x2 && x2 <= x1 implies
> that x1 is equal to x2. However, I want subPropertyOf (X,Y) imply that Y
> has a STRICTLY NARROWER semantics than X, and the same should go for
> sameClassAs.
> Sigge

I can see that when building ontologies this is a typical need.  i'll tell
you why
Ilike the other way.

1. Saying that subclassOf(c,d) is a way of saying forall x, in(x,c) =>
which is a simple thing  to say.  Lots of rules systems allow that to be

Saying properSubClassOf(c,d) is to say
    forall x. in(x,c) => in(x,d)   and   exists y. in(x,d) and not(in(x,c))
This is a more complicated thing to say, as it uses a "not".

2. Practically, if i make an ontology I would prefer to make the first
 Suppose,  the Robin car company asserts that is the only manufacturer
 of thee-wheel cars.  It does this by saying

    daml:subclass(TheeWheelCar, robincar)

but given the rdfs vocabulary accidentally is led (though a gui tool) to

    rdfs:subclass(ThreeWheelCar, robincar)

which at the same time asserts that there is some car made by Robin which
has other than 3 wheels.

I would imagine a real case in which (say) a catlog search finds that all
are in fact TheeWheelCars, and so the system concludes correctly that a
car is a robinCar if and only if it has three wheels. And that would be


Received on Monday, 5 March 2001 18:32:43 UTC