numerals aren't numbers; they're related to numbers

Oops... looks like I/we missed a few details in the
latest DAML+OIL release:

excerpt from

<Person rdf:ID="Peter">


Peter is an instance of Person. Peter has shoesize 9.5 and age 46. From
range restrictions we know that these are of type xsd:decimal and
xsd:nonNegativeInteger respectively. 

Er... that doesn't make sense; range restrictions don't
turn strings into numbers. This says that Peter's shoesize
is both a string and a decimal; that's a contradiction.

It would make sense if the example were coded as:

<Person rdf:ID="Peter">
  <shoesize><rdf:Description rdf:value="9.5"/></shoesize>
  <age><rdf:Description rdf:value="46"/></age>
  <shirtsize><rdf:Description rdf:value="15"/></shirtsize>

i.e. the shoesize isn't "15" but something who's rdf:value
is "15". Then the range restrictions enable us to conclude
that this something is a decimal, and in fact *the* decimal
whose rdf:value is "15".

You could have another property:
whose range was string.

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 30 March 2001 22:35:47 UTC