Re: function terms in Euler, n3, and RDF [was: gedcom-relation e

> > [Dan Connolly writing:]
> >
> > In playing around with n3, we came up with a couple idioms for this.
> >
> > One is to encode "a sum of 4 and 3" as [a :Sum; :of 4; :and 3], combined
> > with knowledge that there is exactly one such sum. 

But why would there ever be "exactly one such sum" ?

> >                                                    If you make the domain
> > of :of and :and be :Sum (aka :Integer) and recall that = denotes
> > daml:equivalentTo,
> > you can write "the sum of 4 and 3 is 7" as
> >   [ :of 4; :and 3 ] = 7.

And without that qualification, this doesn't work.  Let's rename and
avoid [] for clarity.  You're saying:

    7 sum_of_2_part_1 4.
    7 sum_of_2_part_2 3.

But it's obviously true (and so may well be said) that

    7 sum_of_2_part_1 2.
    7 sum_of_2_part_2 5.

So now if I query:

    7 sum_of_2_part_1 4.
    7 sum_of_2_part_2 ?x.

I get ?x=3 and ?x=5 (and probably every other real number, given some
reasonable axioms about addition).

> > The other idiom is somewhat more traditional, making use of the list
> > syntax-sugar in n3, where (a b) denotes the same thing
> > as [ daml:first a; daml:rest [ daml:first b; daml:rest daml:nil ]].
> > Using that, we can write "the pair 3,4 has sum 7: as
> >   (3 4) :sum 7.

That works.  Expanded out, that's
   :anon1 arith:sum 7;
          daml:first 3;
	  daml:rest :anon2.
   :anon2 daml:first 4;
          daml:rest daml:nil.
In general, I think it's better practice to name the elements of a
tuple (making it what?  an "object"?  a "record"?  an "associative
array"?  a relation in its own right?).  People are used to anonymous
(positional) parts for the addition relation, but I'll name them

   :anon1 a arith:BinarySum
         arith:left 3
	 arith:right 4
	 arith:result :_7

or more generally

   :anon1 a rel3:TernaryRelationInstance
         rel3:relation arith:sum
	 rel3:part1 3
	 rel3:part2 4
	 rel3:part3 7
> > Dan Connolly, W3C

Sandro Hawke, W3C

Received on Tuesday, 6 March 2001 16:50:29 UTC