<repeat/> Element
- Erik Bruchez (Saturday, 21 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Wednesday, 18 April)
- John Boyer (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Klotz, Leigh (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Erik Bruchez (Wednesday, 18 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Wednesday, 18 April)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 17 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Tuesday, 17 April)
- John Boyer (Tuesday, 17 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Saturday, 14 April)
- Peter Nunn (Saturday, 14 April)
- Ivan Latysh (Saturday, 14 April)
[ANN] Google Data XForms Client Open Source Project started
A few issues with <setvalue/>
applet access to instance data
Confusion on datatypes with empty content
context node for output's contents
Formal Objection: publication of XForms 1.1 as LCWD
loading instance as .XML page
- mark.birbeck@x-port.net (Thursday, 26 April)
- Klotz, Leigh (Thursday, 26 April)
- Iñaki Salinas Bueno (Thursday, 26 April)
- Mark Birbeck (Thursday, 26 April)
- Iñaki Salinas Bueno (Thursday, 26 April)
- Klotz, Leigh (Wednesday, 25 April)
- Mark Birbeck (Wednesday, 25 April)
- Iñaki Salinas Bueno (Saturday, 21 April)
Nodeset bug and nested setvalue in a repeat. (1 of 2)
Nodeset bug and nested setvalue in a repeat. (2 of 2)
Orbeon Forms 3.5.1 Released
Please add me to your mailing list - if still running
Post 1.1 xpath functions
Readonly, relevant attributes for trigger
Sugestion for a bind(IDREF) XPath function
TELECON AGENDA - 25 Apr 2007
Using the same handler to observe multiple different events
using xf:load to insert into a div
Using XForms to update a Google Spreadsheet...that updates a Google Map
www-forms debates
XForms 1.1 Last Call Review Extended to April 30, 2007
XForms 1.1 WD last call comments from CDF WG
XForms and APP clients
XForms And RoR: A Good Read
XForms document versioning
xforms:output - should value and ref/bind be mutally exclusive?
Last message date: Sunday, 29 April 2007 00:19:27 UTC