using xf:load to insert into a div

Firstly, *big* apologies if I've posted this to the wrong forum - it just looked like it might be the best place to do so..   

I've looked around to try and find an answer to a problem I'm having with xforms and I found this blog entry from Mark Birbeck - entitled Using subforms in XForms
- from last year: 

Here he mentions using a target attribute to allow the loading of xml
content into, say a frame or a div on the page using the xf:load
event, like so:

<xf:load target="div-work-list-choose" ev:observer="case-work-list-choose" ev:event="xforms-select" 
show="embed" resource="subforms/sf-work-list.xml"

I'm currently working on several xforms prototypes - one of which is
an 8-page form.  At present, everything needed for all of the 8 pages

(e.g. all models, bindings etc and all switch cases for the toggle)
live in one file and it's getting very big and quite messy to

What I really want to do is have the <xf:load> event fetch a piece of
xml and insert it into a div when the trigger event is fired - at the

moment, I can get this process to load the xml file (using xf:load),
although unfortunately it loads and replaces the form, so the event

will load the new file, but treats it as if it were a new form, rather
than a sub-form (as your article discusses).

My guess was that this functionality didn't exist (i.e. other examples
which discuss xf:load seem not to suggest that xf:load has a "target"

attribute), but on finding this blog entry, it would appear that this has been achieved; the concept of "extending the load action"
was mentioned in the article - would this be something that is quite easy to do?

If so, would anyone be prepared to give me a couple of pointers with
this one?  I read the article carefully but
couldn't work out whether this would be something I could implement in
my own xforms (at least at the moment)

Fyi: I'm using firefox with the build of the xforms add-on

Many thanks,

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Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 17:05:18 UTC