Re: [XForms] XForms - Is offline forms completion possible?
XForms 2.0 - Let's have clear Use Cases
XForms - Is offline forms completion possible?
XForms - "Suspend and resume support"
XForms and Routing Scenarios
[XForms] Looking into the future
XMLForm 0.9.12 released
Upload control.
RE: [XForms] XForms Design Tools
InfoPath and XForms - initial thoughts
XForms Design Tools
Holosofx XForms Designer
XForms Spec. Terminology: "Instance markup"
[ANN] XMLForm 0.9.11 released
Re: [XForms] Re: [Re: [IBM Alphaworks - scripting errors with the browser com...
XMLForm Performance Metrics
INKXML and XForms.
Re: History 101 (Also maintainability)
The XForms Charter should be public
Relation between InfoPath and XForms
Relation between InfoPath and XForms
Re: [XForms] XMLForm 0.9.9 released
Re: [XForms] XForms and InfoPath
form solutions
XMLForm 0.9.9 released
RE: [XForms] XForms and InfoPath
XForms and InfoPath
The Devil of Good is Perfect
OT: XHTML Browser
[Re: [IBM Alphaworks - scripting errors with the browser component]]
- Re: [Re: [IBM Alphaworks - scripting errors with the browser component]]
- Re: [Re: [IBM Alphaworks - scripting errors with the browser component]]
Xero XForms Processor note
IBM Alphaworks - scripting errors with the browser component
For WG Members - XForms and InfoPath
XForms Factory / DENG
XForms and InfoPath
XForms Factory?
Welcome to the Real-World; The Future of XForms
- Re: Welcome to the Real-World; The Future of XForms
- Re: Welcome to the Real-World; The Future of XForms
- Re: Welcome to the Real-World; The Future of XForms
- Re: Welcome to the Real-World; The Future of XForms