Re: form solutions

Greetings, there is no support for digital signatures in XForms 1.0, it is 
however included as a future consideration in the April 2002 XForms 
Requirements Working Draft [ ].

That said, there may well be vendors that add support for digital 
signatures to XForms 1.0 using the extensibility features defined in the 

Regards, Roland

"Christos E. Sioulis" <>
Sent by:
14/04/2003 09:58

        To:     "ΛΙΣΤΑ - XForms" <>
        Subject:        Re: form solutions


Hi all,

I am not a 'technician' (I am just a lawyer interesting in IT evolution)
and I am not an 'XML expert', but I keep 'watching' this mail list since
12-11-02 (396 messages till now!), waiting to see if the 'issue' of 
Signature' will be discussed in this forum! (especially from the point of
view of the very prescriptive approach of the *european legislation* and 
corresponding standardization that has been done -until now- by ETSI & CEN
in ths context of EESS Initiative).
I can understand that X-Forms is a very useful tool/method to 'collect,
transfer & manage specific data/declarations' ('instances'!) through
different devices using XML technology (-am I wrong?) but what about the
authentication, the integrity and the non repudiation of these
'data/instances' ??? (in the 'home page' of the X-Forms
project - I haven't seen any relationship
with other WG which are working on these issues!)
My questions:
- Has anybody of this team read the ETSI TS 101 903 'XML Advanced 
Signatures' (XAdES) document and looked for any relationship of X-Forms 
the other similar 'tecnical specifications' of ETSI/ESI
( and CEN/ISSS WS/E-Sign
- Does anybody of this team care if X-Forms could be 'encorporated' in
solutions/application *compliant* with the European Directive 99/93/EC 
for 'qualified electronic signatures'? (it would be very intersting to see
i.e., how the 'WYSIWYSign' requirement could be approached using X-Forms!)
[I understand that most of you belong in different 'legal enviroment'
(common law/contract based), but I think that there are european & other 
industries that would like to use X-Forms in applications that conform to
the above standards  for 'secure (signed) e-transactions' (in civil
law/prescriptive regulation context)!]

Thank for your attention,

Christos Sioulis
Athens Lawyer - IT Law Consultant

----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg Haime" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 10:11 AM
Subject: form solutions

| Hi,
| There are quite some professional form solution providers out there like
Adobe, Shana, PureEdge, Kana to name a few, that already claim to have the
perfect form solution in house, mostly based on an own XML dialect.
| Does anyone know how these professional form solution providers look at
Xforms? Will they adapt Xforms in their solution? If not, what reason do
they give not to adapt Xforms? One of the shortcomes, I understand, is 
Xforms does not support digital signatures (yet).
| Thx,
| Greg


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