RE: [XForms] XForms and InfoPath

InfoPath does generate an XSD for the XML instance data based on data-types and limited constraints selected by the user in the design tool.

Furthermore, it does provide a wizard for building a new form from an existing schema or XML instance data file.   But, once you are in the design-tool the concept of a schema is lost from the form-designer.  There is no direct way (as far as I know to directly manipulate the XSD or XML instance data) from the design tool.  But if you need to switch out the XSD after designing the form I imagine you could simply switch out the XSD within the template/Zip file (I haven’t tried it myself).


Shone Sadler



-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 3:10 AM
Subject: Re: [XForms] XForms and InfoPath


In a message dated 15/04/2003 02:43:19 GMT Daylight Time, writes:

I have been
unable to determine whether or not InfoPath will work with XSD [or will it
be Microsoft's own DTD] to validate the XML, or if any other of the
technologies that XSLT can interact with ...


There is a ‾50 page document on InfoPath downloadable from which states that InfoPath can be used to validate with "any customer-defined XML schema". I take that to indicate that W3C XML Schema is supported.

But I could be wrong. :)

Andrew Watt 

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