w3c-wai-ua@w3.org from January to March 1998 by subject


[w3c-wai-ua] <none>

[w3c-wai-ui] <none>

A little more on landmarks

A quick user interface philosophy

A quick user satisfaction story

A scenario

Advertisement: Website Hosting

ALT-text and LONGDESC presentation

Amya Meeting Clarification

An example of division of labor

An idea to include in the guidelines

Browser Sniffing

browser sniffing, user's rights, web commerce, ACSS reference


checklist items

Comments on UA Guidelines

Contribution to Browser Accessibility Guidelines

CSS Options

Delay in getting update on the WWW

Draft of Browser UI Checklist

feature selection criteria (was a scenario)

Final Agenda

Focus on the user


Guideline Development Fast Track

Ideas from Lynx

Illness and UA agenda

improving the web

Information for Telephone Meeting on Tuesday and Friday

Intro of David Poehlman

Introduction : Jon S. von Tetzchner

Introduction For Evan Wies

Landmarks on web pages

Links in Lynx

Linux screen reader FYI

lynx 2.8 -- new features of interest to blind users

Microsoft and deadline

Minutes from LA Meeting

Notes from Friday the 13th Telecon

Other Items discussed during the telephone meeting

presentation adjustability

Request for alternate support (scripting)


Security facilities

simple lp css editor

TAB index attribute

Table presentation support

Telecon info and agenda for UA group for friday

Telephone Conference Call

Telephone meeting

Telephone Meeting Wednesday

UI Guidelines

User empathy techniques

User interface group name change

webwatch-l More on AT&T: http://www.att.com/catalog


Welcome Message

Working Draft Discussion

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 March 1998 16:34:44 UTC