Table presentation support

Proposal for UA guidelines:

In HTML it is - unfortunately - quite common to use a "table"-
structure to influence text layout. Still tables are use very
often to display tabular information. Therefore I'd like to
propose the following:
 -    If the user wants this, it must be clear when a table is
      presented. This concerns table start/end and borders.
 -    It must be possible to identify separate cells e.g. by
      using a cell delimiter. This allows the user to identify
      specific cell values and empty cells.
 -    It can be very useful to describe the table (begin, end
      and out look): e.g.: "The following table consists of 3
      columns and 5 rows. The table has borders.'

Best regards,

Message from: Jaap van Lelieveld      The Netherlands
              Chairman of EBU commission on Technical Devices and Services

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       UQWK / OLMENU under UNIX for mail and news transfer

Received on Wednesday, 25 March 1998 16:51:34 UTC