Illness and UA agenda

I am sorry to say that I am not feeling very well and I don't think I am
well enough to travel to L.A.  I had a debilitating headache last night
and I am going to the doctor today.  It is a big disappointment to me,
but if I don't get better I would not be much use at the meeting.  Please
try to contact me today at 217-398-4543.  I would recommend asking Jim
Allan to chair the UA meeting.  If the meeting could be recorded I
would also appreciate the tape.  This is my agenda:

1.0 Introductions
2.0 Review the charter
3.0 Present and discuss the current structure of the Browser Guidelines
3.1 Priorities 1,2,3
3.2 Scenarios
3.3 Implementatin suggestions
3.4 Test pages
4.0 Chuck Oppermann presentaton on IE Explorer
5.0 Major guidelines areas
5.1 Keyboard navigation
5.2 Focus indication
5.3 Command line interface
5.4 ALT, TITLE and LONGDESC implementation
6.0 New Business 


Received on Friday, 20 March 1998 10:51:53 UTC