presentation adjustability

Hi Jon and others,

I agree that user control of fonts, font sizes and colors 
should be a high priority. I also believe that users should be
able to control these features through the browser,  
where possible, and through cascading style sheets. 
I also believe the user's choice should take precedence
over the page author's choice, though I am sure
there are some arguments against that.

Does anyone have thoughts on that?

I am also a bit confused about the section
entitled "Ignore Page Formatting Specifications." 
Should we just specify that the user's choices should
take precedence? 

Also, will we need something like that suggested by 
Constantine Stephanidis if user's do not specify all 
colors or simply turn off background images?

"the browser should attempt to perform "clever" color 
substitution, so as to ensure that all text in a page 
is visible and has a satisfactory contrast with the
 page background. "

Any thoughts?


Received on Tuesday, 31 March 1998 16:32:58 UTC