"Estudar na Net" - Ponto de Situação
--Find Out ANYTHING About ANYONE!!
2nd site
6 Million E-mail addresses for $79!!
[w3c-wai-au] <none>
At last, HERBAL V the all natural alternative!
At last, Herbal V, the all Natural Alternative!
AU Techniques with all AERT added to checkpoint 4.1
Automatic Language Identification
brand new
cable services
Can We Do This?
Checkpoint mapping between WCAG 1.0 and WCAG 2.0 (fwd)
Checkpoint on testability
Color Blindness Check for Web Sites (fwd)
Como Estudar na Internet?
Dreamweaver 4 checks sites based on WCAG
Earn $50,000 in 90 Days!
Earn $50,000.00 in 90 days
Eliminate phone calls & paperwork with On-Line Freight Services!
Estudar na Internet
Estudar-na.Net - Venha conhecer-nos
Face to face Meeting
Februrary all W3C meeting (fwd)
Flatrate? Are You On One?
Fwd: Another Site To Check Out
Fwd: Check This One Out!!
Fwd: Did you get this to?
FYI (fwd)
Hey, check out this band!
homework assignment
Integration of AERT into AU techniques
Internet Gaming / Investments Opportunity
Invitación Fiesta Apertura - Invitation Opening Party - Einlandug Beteiligtes Öffnung
is this the link?
issues for joint meetings
Italy VC & IPO Newsletter
joint meeting with user agent group.
Jutta sends regrets
Meeting schedule, now until next year
Meeting today
Meeting today - possible partial regrets
Meeting today at 2:30 Boston Time
Meeting Tuesday
Minutes - Nov 21 (fwd)
Minutes from 07 November 2000 join ER and AU working group telecon
minutes of joint meeting
Must Check Out Fire Website
next face to face meeting
No call today
No meeting but homework assignment today.
Nov. 14 Minutes (fwd)
October 24 Minutes
Partial Regrets
Priorities and Documentation
Private Invitation
Proposal for incorporating AERT into ATAG-TECHS
Protect ALL assets from lien, levy, judgements, or seizures.
regrets for 12/05/00 telecon
Reminder: Meeting today
Reminder: UA last call review
REMINDER: User Agent Accessibility Guideline in Last Call until 13 November
Reply Requested: All Group Mtg.-DETAILS Needed by 26 OCT. (fw d)
Reply Requested: All Group Mtg.-DETAILS Needed by 26 OCT. (fwd)
Request for requirements input for XHTML 2.0
Reverse the Aging Process 10-20 Years!
short meeting today at 2:30
SMIL techniques
sources available
Technical Plenary Registration OPEN (fwd)
Techniques based on WCAG2
Techniques draft with added structure
Techniques with added structure
Top 5 Web Sites
Update [#3]
volunteer editors
W3C Plenary/ face2face info
WAI Initiative in New Zealand (2) (fwd)
WCAG 2.0
WGBH / NCAM software guidelines
Working on the sources...
WOW!!! Highest Payouts Around!!!!!!!!
Your Association Shirts
your link?
Last message date: Sunday, 31 December 2000 10:50:42 UTC