WCAG 2.0

As the GL WG gets 2.0 stabilizing, it might do us to take a peek and see 
what changes other than number-edits might be in order for ATAG.

As I've been looking to see what checkpoints are amenable to machine 
testing it appears that a lot more are than I remember from 1.0 although 
some require a bit of "heuristics" to get there. The "prompts" we will 
recommend can certainly be reliably triggered by essentially all of the 
checkpoints and we should attend to which of ours need modification because 
of that.

http://www.w3.org/WAI/GL/WCAG20/ is a preliminary draft but since it's a 
fairly quick read we might as well start the familiarization process. And 
feel free to make suggestions. We need all the help we can get.


Received on Saturday, 28 October 2000 10:14:55 UTC