from April 2012 by subject

[Bug 14051] Need a spec for MouseEvent constructor

[Bug 14086] When performing AJAX type queries, they are already asynchronous and already occur in another thread. However, I have found that parsing the XML reply and converting that to a representation usable by the javascript application can result in freezes to t

[Bug 14694] innerHTML in DocumentFragment

[Bug 14949] [Meta]: Component Model needs an Explainer document

[Bug 14978] [Meta]: Specify how shadow DOM works

[Bug 15476] [Templates]: Specify how templates work

[Bug 16176] [Shadow]: What should we do if an event happens on light child which is distributed to a insertion point.

[Bug 16303] meaning of "all" charset parameters of content-type header

[Bug 16332] stop propagation and canceled flags

[Bug 16335] undefined attribute values

[Bug 16336] defaultPrevented and preventDefault() conflict

[Bug 16337] initEvent()

[Bug 16339] Some comments on Basic Event Interfaces

[Bug 16352] Add normative reference to defaultView

[Bug 16354] Update reference to Document.getSelection()

[Bug 16357] Avoid proliferating init*Event methods in preparation for Event constructors

[Bug 16408] Support createEvent("Events") -> Event interface

[Bug 16443] Make 3.6 Event exceptions explicitly non-normative

[Bug 16449] requestFullScreen() terminates at the wrong place

[Bug 16451] Clarify the order of the documents

[Bug 16469] storage event for clear() is defined to have |key| set to null, but |key| is not nullable

[Bug 16493] setAttribute(), xmlns, and namespace lookup

[Bug 16502] Define multiple monitor support and per-subdomain

[Bug 16506] Comments on 1.2 Conformance

[Bug 16507] Update or remove 1.3 Feature Detection

[Bug 16556] [Shadow]: What style is expected if a shadow root is added to replaced elements?

[Bug 16563] attributeFilter should apply only to non-namespaced attributes

[Bug 16595] Ability to get non-sequential records from various operations

[Bug 16595] New: Ability to get non-sequential records from various operations

[Bug 16596] New: Clarify how upgradeneeded works in the .open function

[Bug 16599] [Shadow]: Event Dispatch on non-distributed light children.

[Bug 16599] New: [Shadow]: Event Dispatch on non-distributed light children.

[Bug 16604] New: RFE: add unsigned byte as synonym for octet

[Bug 16604] RFE: add unsigned byte as synonym for octet

[Bug 16606] MutationObserver doesn't provide a safe way to suspend & resume observation

[Bug 16606] New: MutationObserver doesn't provide a safe way to suspend & resume observation

[Bug 16607] Errors in type conversion to nullable types

[Bug 16607] New: Errors in type conversion to nullable types

[Bug 16608] Algorithms should rethrow the exception

[Bug 16608] New: Algorithms should rethrow the exception

[Bug 16609] Do we need exception inheritance?

[Bug 16609] New: Do we need exception inheritance?

[Bug 16618] New: Use "-" instead of "−"

[Bug 16618] Use "-" instead of "−"

[Bug 16638] Define who owns what with MutationObserver

[Bug 16638] New: Define who owns what with MutationObserver

[Bug 16639] New: tr hrt hrt rth rt trr tr rt

[Bug 16639] tr hrt hrt rth rt trr tr rt

[Bug 16641] New: [Shadow]: text-decoration spec language is not binding

[Bug 16642] New: [Shadow]: Section 9 HTML elements in Shadow DOM is not musty

[Bug 16644] Invoking MutationObservers should always clear transient registrations even if no records are to be delivered

[Bug 16644] New: Invoking MutationObservers should always clear transient registrations even if no records are to be delivered

[Bug 16647] CR exit criteria should explicitly list features "at risk"

[Bug 16647] New: CR exit criteria should explicitly list features "at risk"

[Bug 16648] New: Remove "xmlns" and "xml" checks from setAttributeNS()?

[Bug 16653] IndexedDB: Define overloads for IDBDatabase.transaction()

[Bug 16653] New: IndexedDB: Define overloads for IDBDatabase.transaction()

[Bug 16663] [Shadow]: S7.1 data() should be var()

[Bug 16663] New: [Shadow]: S7.1 data() should be var()

[Bug 16665] kk gd df d fgd f gd gdg

[Bug 16665] New: kk gd df d fgd f gd gdg

[Bug 16680] DOMTokenList assumes clean underlying string

[Bug 16680] New: DOMTokenList assumes clean underlying string

[Bug 16682] Don't throw for ]]> with serializeAsCDATA

[Bug 16682] New: Don't throw for ]]> with serializeAsCDATA

[Bug 16684] New: [Explainer]:

[Bug 16703] I am suggesting a default value for the "code" argument to the close method. I am currently experimenting with this method and noticed that Chrome and Firefox seem to use different default values. If I do not specify a code, Chrome appears to use 1005 (

[Bug 16703] New: I am suggesting a default value for the "code" argument to the close method. I am currently experimenting with this method and noticed that Chrome and Firefox seem to use different default values. If I do not specify a code, Chrome appears to use 1005 (

[Bug 16707] New: user/password set to undefined means missing

[Bug 16707] user/password set to undefined means missing

[Bug 16708] s/ArrayBuffer/ArrayBufferView/ - See

[Bug 16710] New: [Shadow]: Boundary between <shadow> insertion point and olderShadowRoot.

[Bug 16712] New: locate a namespace returns default namespace even if prefix is non-null

[Bug 16713] locate a namespace returns value of no-namespace xmlns="" attribute

[Bug 16713] New: locate a namespace returns value of no-namespace xmlns="" attribute

[Bug 16714] New: IndexedDB: creating an object store with Array-type key path and key generator should be forbidden

[Bug 16715] New: IndexedDB: Spec nit in steps for evaluating key path

[Bug 16719] [Shadow]: Typo in 7.1

[Bug 16719] New: [Shadow]: Typo in 7.1

[Bug 16720] New: Strange ordering in 4.2.25. Union types

[Bug 16720] Strange ordering in 4.2.25. Union types

[Bug 16721] New: Blob constructor with wrong args

[Bug 16722] New: Add references to bugzilla from the spec

[Bug 16723] New: Bogus requirement in Blob constructor

[Bug 16724] Blob without arguments underdefined

[Bug 16724] New: Blob without arguments underdefined

[Bug 16725] New: Treat omitted dictionary the same as empty dictionary

[Bug 16725] Treat omitted dictionary the same as empty dictionary

[Bug 16726] New: Remove quotes in "transparent" and "native" values

[Bug 16727] New: Remove "If an invalid key is used or if the dictionary argument is invalid, user agents MUST throw an InvalidStateError."

[Bug 16728] Blob.type

[Bug 16728] New: Blob.type

[Bug 16729] Make endings an enum

[Bug 16729] New: Make endings an enum

[Bug 16730] New: Shared workers - use .source instead of .ports[0] ?

[Bug 16731] New: Define when "native" ending conversion happens

[Bug 16732] New: Use ArrayBufferView instead of ArrayBuffer in Blob constructor

[Bug 16732] Use ArrayBufferView instead of ArrayBuffer in Blob constructor

[Bug 16733] Drop 'endings'?

[Bug 16733] New: Drop 'endings'?

[Bug 16746] New: Syntax check 'type' in Blob constructor

[Bug 16746] Syntax check 'type' in Blob constructor

[Bug 16749] New: Remove note about old slice

[Bug 16759] intersectsNode step 4 should return true, not throw

[Bug 16759] New: intersectsNode step 4 should return true, not throw

[Bug 16764] [Shadow]: host attribute makes it hard to preserve encapsulation

[Bug 16764] New: [Shadow]: host attribute makes it hard to preserve encapsulation

[Bug 16767] Allow user objects for Array[] types

[Bug 16767] New: Allow user objects for Array[] types

[Bug 16787] New: [Templates]: Specify that XML parsing doesn't do anything special with <template>

[Bug 16788] New: [Templates]: Specify the behavior of adding and removing children from the template element

[Bug 16810] New: [Templates]: Typo: "code" -> "content"

[Bug 16811] New: [Explainer]: document.createElement seems to create a custom element

[Bug 16814] New: [Explainer]: Explainer refers to non-existent "bound-element" pseudoelement

[Bug 16821] New: h3 tags in this document should have 'id' attributes

[Bug 16832] Don't get the length property off platform objects with indexed properties

[Bug 16832] New: Don't get the length property off platform objects with indexed properties

[Bug 16833] consider always exposing a "length" property for objects with indexed properties

[Bug 16833] New: consider always exposing a "length" property for objects with indexed properties

[Bug 16840] i vear shiad but lagbar mypassword

[Bug 16840] New: i vear shiad but lagbar mypassword

[Bug 16846] cześc to ja rodzyn i wydaje mi się ze jestem na dość dobrej pozycji i w ogóle jestem super i jestem zajebisty ale nie czaje o co chodzi ty wszystklim ludzą skoro to ma tak wyglądać no to wydaje mi się że to będzie już koniec co wyu na no to ;;;

[Bug 16846] New: cześc to ja rodzyn i wydaje mi się ze jestem na dość dobrej pozycji i w ogóle jestem super i jestem zajebisty ale nie czaje o co chodzi ty wszystklim ludzą skoro to ma tak wyglądać no to wydaje mi się że to będzie już koniec co wyu na no to ;;;

[Bug 16847] New: Re-dispatching trusted events

[Bug 16847] Re-dispatching trusted events

[Bug 16866] EOF is no longer valid as newline so "and the end of the file being the four ways in which a line can end" should be removed.

[Bug 16873] New: [Explainer]:

[Bug 8406] Stricter Specifications on Mouse Events Specifically primary, auxillary, and secondary default actions

Last message date: Monday, 30 April 2012 23:54:01 UTC