from October 2007 by subject

[access-control] Potential security problem (port should be auto-restricted)

[Bindings] extended attribute for callback function interfaces?

[ElementTraversal] Editorial: property vs. attribute

[ElementTraversal] Not a set of properties on Element

[ElementTraversal] Remarks on

[progress-events] stalled - ISSUE-117

[xhr2] HTTP methods

[xhr2] HTTP methods (was: Re: [xhr2] PATCH support)

[XHR] Correction in getResponseHeader behaviour

[XHR] Last draft

[XMLHttpRequest] Publishing another draft

Compatibility of SVG Tiny 1.2's getURL() and XMLHttpRequest

Consensus Call Re: [XMLHttpRequest] Publishing another draft

future/draft/current W3C specs on multi-cursor / multi-touch ?

HTTP methods and security

ISSUE-119: names lengthComputable and total

ISSUE-120: Make XHR spec less detailed/granular

ISSUE-121: Should we note version of XHR Object

Progress draft, cancel/bubble

Window pointer

XHR data: and javascript: requests

XHR data: and javascript: requests (was: Re: XHR: definition of same-origin)

XHR: definition of same-origin

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 October 2007 10:12:52 UTC