Re: Compatibility of SVG Tiny 1.2's getURL() and XMLHttpRequest

On Oct 13, 2007, at 11:31 PM, Cameron McCormack wrote:

>>> * Other IRI schemes may be supported for postURL, but only if they  
>>> are
>>>   functionally equivalent to HTTP (such as itms).
>> I am not sure what you mean by "itms" or what "functionally  
>> equivalent
>> to HTTP" means, but this would seem to be an odd restriction; you  
>> don't
>> have it for "getURL", and you can POST to mailto:... or news:... just
>> fine, as demonstrated e.g. by libwww-perl. XMLHttpRequest also does  
>> not
>> expose any checks, so implementations would probably need additional
>> logic to ensure they don't improperly support postURL().
> By “itms” I mean iTunes Music Store URIs, as mentioned here:
> By “functionally equivalent to HTTP” I mean “is the same as HTTP but
> happens to use a different URI scheme”, which is closer to the actual
> wording that would be included (“functionally equivalent” being a bit
> weasely).

I don't think special consideration for "itms" is necessary. This URI  
scheme really only exists as a way to get things to open in iTunes,  
and I would not expect it to be natively supported by any  
XMLHttpRequest implementations.


Received on Sunday, 14 October 2007 19:37:25 UTC