Re: [ElementTraversal] Remarks on

Innovimax SARL wrote:
> s/provides a attribute/provides an attribute/
> s/english/English/
> Why is "element" not written "Element" ? same for "text" ?
> Isn't "ChildrenElementsCount" better ? Anyway, please add some verbing
> to explain why this has been added to the original SVG proposal

ChildElementCount is fine. Anyway some implementations are already using 
that name (like JSR280)

> Please add informative references to "DOM Level 2 Range & Traversal"
> and "DOM Level 3 Core"
> Regards,
> Mohamed

<> 	*Jean-Yves H. Bitterlich*
Senior Staff Engineer
*Sun Microsystems GmbH*
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Received on Monday, 22 October 2007 18:00:17 UTC