Re: [ElementTraversal] Remarks on

Hi, Mohamed-

Thanks for your review and corrections.  Replies inline.

Innovimax SARL wrote (on 10/21/2007 2:58 PM):
> s/provides a attribute/provides an attribute/
> s/english/English/
> Why is "element" not written "Element" ? same for "text" ?

All fixed.

> Isn't "ChildrenElementsCount" better ? 

No, for mysterious reasons of collective nouns, conjoined words, and 
pluralization in English. ;)  (Waves hands in a hypnotic way....) Trust 
a native speaker on this one.

> Anyway, please add some verbing
> to explain why this has been added to the original SVG proposal

Added a brief note in the Change Log section.  The actual explanation is 
throughout the body of the specification.  In short, I prototyped the 
specification in JS, did some scripting tests using past projects of my 
own, and found that I needed a way to get the number of elements.  Et voila.

> Please add informative references to "DOM Level 2 Range & Traversal"
> and "DOM Level 3 Core"

Done.  Meant to do that earlier and forgot.  Thanks for the reminder.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Staff Contact, SVG, CDF, and WebAPI

Received on Sunday, 21 October 2007 20:29:56 UTC