Re: Compatibility of SVG Tiny 1.2's getURL() and XMLHttpRequest

Maciej Stachowiak:
> I don't think special consideration for "itms" is necessary. This URI  
> scheme really only exists as a way to get things to open in iTunes,  
> and I would not expect it to be natively supported by any  
> XMLHttpRequest implementations.

OK you’ve convinced me, given that when I was writing the mail
originally I was struggling to come up with an example of such a URI
scheme, and that a call to postURL("itms://what/ever", …) can just be
replaced with postURL("http://what/ever", …) anyway.

Cameron McCormack,  ▪  ICQ 26955922  ▪  MSN

Received on Monday, 15 October 2007 01:01:13 UTC