Re: [Bindings] extended attribute for callback function interfaces?

Cameron McCormack wrote:
> Jonas Sicking:
>> Yes, I definitely think this is needed. Current specifications use 
>> English descriptions in the ECMAScript bindings to accomplish that 
>> behavior to be specified, it would be much more easily detected and 
>> precisely described if we could use an extended attribute for this.
> Are there interfaces that you specifically don’t want to be able to
> implement just with a function?

It doesn't make much sense for interfaces that aren't callback 
interfaces. Also, interfaces that are expected to get more functions 
added in later versions would seem bad to make implementable as a 
function as the behavior would get very confusing when the later version 
of the spec is implemented.

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 03:46:33 UTC