Compatibility of SVG Tiny 1.2's getURL() and XMLHttpRequest

Hi group.

The SVG WG is currently tightening the description of the getURL and
postURL methods so that it is clear what to do when faced with non-HTTP
IRIs.  You can see the current definition here:

We wish to avoid unnecessary incompatibilities between these methods and
XMLHttpRequest.  Our current proposal is to define these methods such

  * If getURL is called with an HTTP or HTTPS IRI, then an HTTP request
    with the GET method will be used.
  * Other IRI schemes may be supported for getURL, and if they are
    supported, the method will retrieve the resource identified by
    the IRI.
  * If postURL is called with an HTTP or HTTPS IRI, then an HTTP request
    with the POST method will be used.
  * Other IRI schemes may be supported for postURL, but only if they are
    functionally equivalent to HTTP (such as itms).
  * For non-HTTP(S) IRIs, AsyncStatusCallback.status will be set to true
    if the resource was successfully retrieved in full, and false
  * For non-HTTP(S) IRIs, AsyncStatusCallback.contentType will be set to

Any pointers on compatibility issues which would make it more difficult
to implement getURL by means of using XMLHttpRequest behind the scenes
would be appreciated.



Cameron McCormack,  ▪  ICQ 26955922  ▪  MSN

Received on Sunday, 14 October 2007 03:44:45 UTC