from September 2015 by subject

[web-nfc] Apply security policies on push steps.

[web-nfc] cancelPush() should have target ?

[web-nfc] Create per-origin NFC adapter properties section?

[web-nfc] Define "sub-domain match"

[web-nfc] Define "suspended"

[web-nfc] Does the visibilityState of the page have effect on the API behaviour?

[web-nfc] draft.idl: Added compatibility mode flag NFCWatchMode to NFCWatchOptions

[web-nfc] Fire the 'message' event

[web-nfc] How much needs to be hidden from pages that lose focus during NFC operations?

[web-nfc] IDL for NFCRecordData

[web-nfc] Improvements on visibility and focus; default values; type checks; match patterns; the usage of origin.

[web-nfc] Need ability to cancel a message push

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by anssiko

[web-nfc] new commits pushed by zolkis

[web-nfc] New version of the Web NFC specification and the Security and Privacy document.

[web-nfc] Notification when a browsing context is closed?

[web-nfc] Propose default value for timeout

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Apply security policies on push steps.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: draft.idl: Added compatibility mode flag NFCWatchMode to NFCWatchOptions

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Improvements on visibility and focus; default values; type checks; match patterns; the usage of origin.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: New version of the Web NFC specification and the Security and Privacy document.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Small fixes: parameters handling, editorials.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Update security policies and related algorithmic steps.

[web-nfc] Pull Request: Web NFC API snapshot release 25 September 2015

[web-nfc] Review fixes for #44.

[web-nfc] Should NFCPushOptions.timeout be an implementation-dependent value or defined?

[web-nfc] Small edits.

[web-nfc] Small fixes: parameters handling, editorials.

[web-nfc] Switch to ReSpec contiguous IDL

[web-nfc] Update security policies and related algorithmic steps.

[web-nfc] Use the 'scope' in the send() method

[web-nfc] Web NFC API snapshot release 25 September 2015

[web-nfc] What does "Parse the argument options" mean in send()?

Closed: [web-nfc] Add "Sending data to NFC peers" example

Closed: [web-nfc] cancelPush() should have target ?

Closed: [web-nfc] Create per-origin NFC adapter properties section?

Closed: [web-nfc] Define "sub-domain match"

Closed: [web-nfc] Define "suspended"

Closed: [web-nfc] Does the visibilityState of the page have effect on the API behaviour?

Closed: [web-nfc] Fire the 'message' event

Closed: [web-nfc] How do you construct an NFCMessage to pass to send()?

Closed: [web-nfc] IDL for NFCRecordData

Closed: [web-nfc] Need ability to cancel a message push

Closed: [web-nfc] Notification when a browsing context is closed?

Closed: [web-nfc] Propose default value for timeout

Closed: [web-nfc] Say "in parallel" rather than "asynchronously"

Closed: [web-nfc] send() method algorithm talks about arrays

Closed: [web-nfc] Should NFCPushOptions.timeout be an implementation-dependent value or defined?

Closed: [web-nfc] Switch to ReSpec contiguous IDL

Closed: [web-nfc] URL objects

Closed: [web-nfc] Use HTTPS

Closed: [web-nfc] Use the 'scope' in the send() method

Closed: [web-nfc] Use wording from [powerful-features] to implement HTTPS restriction

Closed: [web-nfc] website is not a thing

Closed: [web-nfc] What does "Parse the argument options" mean in send()?

Intro & Project Status

New Web NFC API draft

New Web NFC API draft - please review by Thu 10 Sep

W3C's TAG to review the Web NFC API

Web Bluetooth & Web NFC joint meeting at TPAC (was: Web Bluetooth meeting at TPAC)

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 September 2015 10:46:41 UTC