Re: New Web NFC API draft - please review by Thu 10 Sep

A short write-up about the story of NDEF ID vs Web NFC Id vs Web NFC record.

We tried for long time to use the NDEF ID for storing origins. If we only
deal with that, we would not need a Web NFC record. This would be great for

There are 3 issues with that:
- Jonas wanted that Web NFC messages are distinct enough, so not that much
interoperability is desired eventually.
- The NDEF ID is 255 bytes long, which can store an ASCII serialized
origin, but cannot store paths. A few people considered paths important for
watches and filtering. If we ever wanted to have that, the format needed to
be generic enough to contain it, so we needed Web NFC records. The Web NFC
Id is the origin + path.
- Jonas wanted allowed-origin policies. For that we'd need Web NFC records

In the meantime we figured out that on every platform to be supported, we
can have support for writing multiple NDEF records per message, so having a
Web NFC record did not have any obstacles.

That's how we ended up using them, in a bit simpler form than in the first
proposal, since in the meantime we realized that NFC content cannot be
trusted at all for integrity, so we can't base any origin based policies on
the content of the NDEF messages. Even if we defer the problem to an app
store, still the terminology would not be correct from security point of
view. That is why we need some other word instead of "origin" of a message.

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 7 September 2015 21:00:54 UTC