from June 2009 by subject

*Last Call* Timed Text document (Review by June 30)

Comparison of TT and MAWG Metadata Properties

ISSUE-119 (schemas-styling): Schemas ought to use #styling and stop using -extension [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-120 (direction-unicodeBidi): Missing direction and unicodeBidi in RNC TTAF.Styling.attrib.class [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-121 (ttm:agent): ttm:agent doesn't allow xml:id or type attributes in RNC schema? [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-122: consistency of ratio/resolution/origin/extent syntax [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-123: ttp:frameRateMultiplier numerator should not be zero [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-124: tts:dynamicFlow - need at least one flowFunction if not none or rollUp

ISSUE-125: tts:displayAlign - remove inheritance [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-126: tts:dynamicFlow - needs flow style duration parameter in flow interval function [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-127: tts:dynamicFlow - needs to account for semantics of force line break [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-128: tts:dynamicFlow - apparent typo in B.5.2 [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-129: tts:dynamicFlow - example code [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-130: ttp:feature - missing feature designators, renaming [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-131: TT {Profile,Feature,Extension} Namespaces - need trailing '/' [DFXP 1.0]

ISSUE-132: miscellaneous typos [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-133: use of 'transparency' [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-134: root container origin [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-135: presence of both 'dur' and 'end' on an element [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-136: add note upon first use of 'c' length metric [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

ISSUE-137: tt:metadata - need example of foreign namespace element metadata [DFXP 1.0 (Editorial)]

Minutes from TT call 19th June 2009

regrets for today

Test suite updated

TTWG minutes 06/12/09

Use of padding in some of the tests

Last message date: Tuesday, 30 June 2009 11:19:06 UTC