Comparison of TT and MAWG Metadata Properties

Dear all,

I have done a review of the metadata elements you propose in the DFXP draft to see how this fits together with our work in the media annotations group (MAWG). MAWG has defined a set of core properties in a recent working draft ( Data types are not yet defined in this draft, this is currently ongoing work.

Here is an attempt to map the elements between the ttm:* and ma:* elements:

- ttm:title: maps to a ma:title instance, it is more general as ma:title can also have qualifiers that specify the type of title (main, secondary, original, ...)

- ttm:desc: 1:1 mapping to ma:description

- ttm:copyright: 1:1 mapping to ma:copyright

- ttm:agent: maps to ma:creator or ma:contributor, ttm:agent has qualifiers (person, character, group, organization, other) that specify the type of agent rather than the role in the creation process (as for ma:creator and ma:contributor)

-- ttm:name: maps to the content of ma:creator/ma:contributor; there are qualifiers for specific name parts or for an unstructured string, similar to the structured/unstructured return values drafted for the MAWG API [note that there is not yet a public WD of the API]

-- ttm:actor: links a character to a real-world agent

To conclude: Most of the ttm elements are covered in the MAWG draft and mapping seems to be feasible. You might want to consider renaming "desc" to "description", as (i) it is the only abbreviated name and (ii) then all elements that map nicely to ma elements would have the same names in both vocabularies. 

The only element that is different is the agent element, which not only includes creators and contributors, but also fictional characters. While ttm lacks a way to express the role in contribution, ma lacks a way to express the character impersonated by an actor. Attempting to harmonize this could improve both vocabularies.

Best regards,

  Werner Bailer
  Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
  JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
  Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA
  phone:  +43-316-876-1218               mobile: +43-699-1876-1218
  web:            fax: +43-316-876-1191      


Received on Tuesday, 30 June 2009 08:31:21 UTC